Part I
Animals can be defined as being highly adapted to their environments as a means of survival. Other than the changes in necks, limbs and other organs, theeyes of differentanimalshaveevolved over the years to suit the natural scene (Pinel, 2013). Changes in the visual patterns aim at ensuring that the neuralcircuits are in apposition to extract accurate/ relevant cues from the environment. In the case of the predatory birds, changes in the environment and the need for survival/ food have led to changes in the visual systems.
Part II
Tinnitus is the ringing of the ears and can also be defined as being the sensation of hearing chirping, buzzing or whistling sounds. Most people experiencing the condition have been exposed to loud sounds thus leading to hearing loss. These noises causesignificantdamage to the sound-sensitive cells in the cochlea (Greene, 2013). Without the normal functioning of the sensory cells, hearing becomeschallenging. While a hearing loss does not necessarily accompany the condition, it shows that they are damages to the auditory system.
Part III
In animalssuch as owls and hawks, there have been evolutions in the front eyes with the objective of attaining a sharper and clear focus. An example can be seen between an owl and a pigeon where an owl is seen as having a larger visual field to the pigeon. On the other hand, scientific studies indicate that there is minimal evidence to show that human beingsdepend on pheromones as a form of sexual attractant.
The chemical is produced by animals that are seen to serve in direct sexual behaviors. Mating in animals tends to depend on the smell which is not the case in human beings(Pinel, 2013). While there are arguments that the Vomeronasal Organ/ Jacobson’s Organ can detect chemical sexual attractants, itsfunctions are not elaborate as it is the case with animals.
Greene, S. (2013). Principles of biopsychology.Psychology Press.
Pinel, J. P. (2013). Biopsychology.Pearson Higher Ed.
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