The Role of Robots in the Future

Computer technology has taken significant progress in recent years.  Scholars have addressed the prospect of using computers to ease the burden in the contemporary workplace.  However, the use of computers also threatens the role played by human beings in the workplace.  Computers work fast with little or no mistakes.  Therefore, there is a need to look at what role robots can play that in the future. According to Seibt and Hakli (9), computers contribute significantly to the modern day economy. However, there is a need to consider the adverse effects of the computer. There have been movies that predict an apparent nemesis as a result of continued use of computers. Such films depict a world where robots take over and rule over human beings. However, those are just projects made because of the fear workers have over robots. Robots play a significant role in industries where they have been known to work faster and efficiently, however, they also present a threat to the modern day workforce.

Solving Unemployment Problem

Unemployment is a crisis that all the nations of the world are currently addressing. As stated by Mayer, Moorti, and McCallum (182) the global unemployment rate has been rising exponentially. The cause of the observed scenario has been due to to the development of computer technology where robots have acquired artificial intelligence and can perform tasks that were previously being done by human beings. The use of robots brings into perspective an aspect of the modern day workplace. Jobs are hard to come by, and there are thousands of young people lacking well-paying jobs. Therefore, when technology brings robots to work and perhaps take over a job that could have been done by human beings it creates a problem. The role of robots in the future is excellent because they are useful and can perform tasks within minimal issues. Furthermore, robots are not subject to human issues such as maternity leave. Therefore, there is every reason to believe that they can perform better.

Efficiency and Dexterity

In the contemporary world, we have bullet trains and concord aircraft. All these are testaments to the way human beings love convenience. Robots are efficient, and they are right on their limbs. They work fast and have little needs. Therefore, when companies opt for computers, one cannot fail to understand the logic. The computers in the contemporary world have proven to be fast.

Furthermore, computers have a role in dealing with issues such as insecurity. Robots are not liable to human weaknesses such as the need to eat and sleep (Stuart). Therefore, there is every reason to attest to the fact that they hold a bright future for the survival of human beings. The role that computers are playing in the contemporary world is enormous. For instance, in the motor vehicle assembly, there is a need for precision and accuracy. However, the same cannot be provided by human beings. Robots, when programmed, can perform basic tasks with increased efficiency and reduce mistakes. Robots have a role to play in our industries.


Robots have, and will always have a unique role in the contemporary world. Robots are efficient and improve output. However, they also take up jobs that could have otherwise been accomplished by human beings. Therefore, when adopting the use of robots, there is a need for human beings to consider their pros and cons.

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