The film, Milk, is a testament of the harassment of homosexuals in the United States and their zeal to achieve equality at the political front gives people a motivation to change their negative political sensibilities.
- The statement of the Declaration of Independence by Supervisor Milk points to a people that have yearned for equality which has been shelved from them due to their sexual orientation. 2. The images and snippets of homosexuals being shot and burnt portray a country that has no tolerance for sexual orientations. 3. The assassination of Milk shows nothing but hate and a lack of respect for homosexuals.
- The movie opens with footages of the Stonewall riots where homosexuals are rioting violently against police harassment. Other pictures show men being beaten and killed for their sexual orientation thus showing a time when gays were widely victimized. 2. One year after being elected to the Board of Supervisors, Milk is assassinated in 1978 thus showing that the political class was not a reserve for homosexuals. Just before his death, he explains that if a bullet were to go through his brain, then it should destroy every closet door thus impelling gays to come out of their closet. 3. At one instance, Milk address a public audience after receiving death threats where he stresses out that all men are equal and given the same rights. Further, he discloses the desire of some people to erase the words from the document.
- The film shows the harassment of homosexuals in the United States and their zeal to achieve equality at the political front gives people a motivation to change their negative political sensibilities. The choice of characters and their determination to achieve equality is a motivation for people to transform their negative sensibilities regarding the place of homosexuals in society. In addition, they are also shown as vulnerable people whose rights depend on the positive sensibilities of the entire population. By portraying Harvey Milk and his peers as the victims in the film, the director guides the viewer in pitying them and accepting their fight for equality.
Works cited
Harvey Milk. By Gus Van Sant, Dustin Lance. Black, and Danny Elfman. Perf. Sean Penn, Emile Hirsch, and Josh Brolin. Société Nouvelle De Distribution, 2009.
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