No. marketing cannot create a need instead. It satisfies the need. It is essential for customers to be able to distinguish a demand from a want. Customers believe that marketing burry them in unwanted debt. It is, however, the duty of any, marketer to ensure that the needs of their customer are met. The need was there before marketing and will always be there.
Yes, the retailers’ stores will become a big showcase. The retailers have an added advantage merely because they have two platforms to market their products to their consumers. Websites have a larger customer audience because it accommodates everyone even those unable to access the exact store due to either distance or time. With this, they can attract customers from each point.
According to the post, it is assumed that retailers are already outdone in the market. However, that is not the case with the right platform and strategies they will have a great sale both online and through their retail stores. They should, however, work hard to make sure that their marketing is quite attractive.
Retailers should aim at knowing their consumers. The market is the backbone of every successful sale. The retailers should also carry out marketing online. The website has a broader market and increases its competency. As well, their products should be of good quality. This glues the customer to the product. Most importantly, they should also know their competitors what are they doing now and what should they do to outdo them.
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