This module revolves around “Transitioning between Activities” among students with ASD. The introduction identifies that students with ASD tend to have problems transitioning from one activity to the other compared to their peers without any form of disability. This tends to happen more when they are moved to new environments. The module points out that this might be very challenging since individuals have to change from one setting to another and one activity to another in the course of the day. It is something natural hence a necessity.
Students with ASD normally find it difficult to shift from one task to another due to the greater need for predictability. Another reason might be the failure to understand the activity that is coming next or difficulty as a result of a change in pattern for a particular behavior. Given the weight of the issue, the module has reiterated that there are a number of supports that can help individuals with transitioning problems. The strategies have been devised in order to assist the affected parties prior to a given transition process. Using of transition strategies helps people with ASD to experience a reduction of time used during a transition, exhibit required behavior during a transition, have minimal reliance on adult prompting, and participate effectively in community and school outings.
The module has highlighted transition strategies based on the primary modality in which the cues are given; auditory or visual. When people with ASD are accorded the opportunity to learn using visual cues or supports they are likely to increase their independence by completing more tasks independently. They are also likely to express lower levels of anxiety, aggression, and frustration in relation to the completion of tasks, learn more rapidly and adjust rapidly to changes in environments.
Among the strategies that are available under visual support are priming, visual timer, visual countdown, visual schedules, transition cards and finished boxes. Priming allows individuals to have a preview of a given event or activity so that it can become more predictable. Visual timer on its part allows individuals with ASD to ascertain the time remaining in a given activity before they can move to a new event or location. A visual countdown is more like the visual timer since it allows individuals to see the amount of time that is remaining in a given activity. When it comes to transition cards, individuals with ASD have to travel to the schedule to get the information that describes the next activity.
Auditory strategies, on the other hand, include verbal or auditory cues and high probability requests. Verbal cues involve the provision of a verbal advance warning upon an upcoming transition. A good example is “In 5 minutes we shall go to the playground”. A high-probability request, on the other hand, is a question or directive that an individual is likely to respond to or follow appropriately.
This module helps in the favorable acquisition of knowledge regarding Transitioning between Activities. This is evidenced by the Pre and Post tests that have been included. I scored 8 out of 10 in the Pre-test but scored ten in the Post-test. This is an indication that after studying the module I had more valuable knowledge regarding the topic as opposed to how I was before.
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