Isabella d’Este’s and Friar Savonarola

Isabella d’Este’s and Friar Savonarola

10.1 – Isabella d’Este’s Implores Leonardo da Vinci to Paint for Her

Painting that Isabella want and modern artistes

From the first letter, it is clear that Isabella is requesting Leonardo da Vinci to paint a portrait earlier made of carbon. It is evident that the society embrace religious portraits and Leonardo had promised the faithful that he would paint the portrait with their desired colors.  It is also imperative to understand that the second letter confirms that the religious community highly values religious portraits. Isabella is assured that the Christ portrait will be painted with the desired colors at the right time. In my own thinking, modern artiste would react positively to such specific instructions. This is because the instructions are precise and the artiste is promised future working relationship which is critical in the modern competitive world.

The contents in letter #2 are a clear indication of a relationship family ties, art and patronage. From the letter Leonardo and his cousin received the letter from Isabella and the client is getting assurance of getting the paintings done on time. The cousin is expressing his high expectations that Leonardo will deliver as requested by the clients. It is also imperative to note that there are close family ties depicted from this letter.

10.2 – The Friar Savonarola Ignites a “Bonfire of the Vanities”

1.0 object collected

Friar’s followers collected several objects such as nude statutes, playing boards. Heretic books, morganti (poems), mirrors among other things of great value but retrogressive as far as religious was concerned.

2.0 Friar’s supporters

It is worth noting that Friar was not supported by some lukewarm people who were troublesome to the noble course. Nevertheless it is worth noting that Friar Savonarola had a great support from the young boys.

3.0 Landucci relationship with Savonarola

From the text, it is clear that Landucci and Savonarola had a sour relationship. When the friar decided to burn the artifacts from the apothecary shop is a clear indication of the hostility existing between the two.

4.0 Florence appropriateness

Florence was the right place for this act since it would send a clear message to the people in regards to the religious renaissance since it was the birthplace of renaissance.

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