This is very a vital discussion that helps professions in realizing their worth with mild reflection of their experience. The revelation in the debriefing helps worker in stabilizing their trauma in the presence of shock that kills their interventions on several occasions. Most victim services have well-outlined formal briefing guidelines that assist in creating a better interrelationship between workers in an organization. This varies according to among community agencies. The paper focuses on discussing the importance of debriefing.
Importance of Debriefing among Workers
Debriefing is a structured process that helps a worker with an organization to review and exercise the actions taken in handling different issues within the firm. It also applies an active and specific intervention process with a more formal meaning to help in operational steps.
Similarly, it helps in dealing with severe incidences and the responses while dealing with fatalities within the working setup. Notably, it allows the police and other investigative bodies to manage different occurrences faster and simpler (Ryoo& Ha, 2015). It will enable people to have a little view of the objectives of the events but instead handle the game with the agency it may require.
According to the ethical guidelines of confidentiality and the privacy of the client, debriefing involves a process of receiving explanations and situations based on the privacy of the clients thus making it possible to create a proper performance measure(Ryoo& Ha, 2015). This establishes a meaningful rapport between workers thus ensuring that all the guidelines of confidentiality are adhered to.
Moreover, it acts as a vital ethical consideration which enables workers t0 to be fully informed about their experiences in a particular duty may harm their physical and psychological participation.
Overall, debriefing enables workers to prepare for any possible critical incident that can be experienced within the workplace. If you are to carry out debriefing, then one needs to think through the ways he or she is going to run the session. A decade ago, I was involved in the sugar industry, as the manager in charge of the Emergency Planning. My duty was to conduct a comprehensive debrief about the contamination exercise on multi-agency water which involved many doctors who are responsible for local water contamination outbreaks. I prepared all the necessary tools and agenda that were to address the issue more amicably. Unfortunately, the debriefing process failed and instead degenerated among the senior officials who were available. I was rendered powerless to contain the situation and bring it back to normality. This strong debated lasted for after approximately three hours when these officials who were present had to go and put more money in the car park. On return, the atmosphere became humid, but there was no time left to handle the situation again.
The outcome
The situation became so hectic and bearable to be handled by an individual. No senior official was will to listen and cooperate in calming the situation. The failed protocol and procedure during the meeting heightened irresponsive responses among the people involved. As a result, all my plans failed; nothing worthwhile was discussed.
In conclusion, debriefing is essential among works because it enables them to explain all the ethical guidelines of confidentiality and the privacy of the client regardless of the situation.It also eases the operational stress that can be experienced within the workplace.
Ryoo, E. N., & Ha, E. H. (2015). The importance of debriefing in simulation-based learning: comparison between debriefing and no debriefing. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 33(12), 538-545.
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