OSHA Applicable Standards as per the three individual.
Recognizing the existence of the danger but did nothing to establish the specific cause in Andrew’s case.
Regardless of the company’s knowledge about the dangers of working on a story building, they did nothing to take the initiative of preventing situations similar to Thomas’.
The company exposed Lindsay to hazardous (chemicals) which were supposed to be protected from any exposure to humans. The essential target of the respiratory insurance program is to anticipate introduction to air polluted with destructive dust, hazes, exhaust, fogs smokes, vapors, gases or showers, and along these lines to counteract word related disease. When designing controls are not attainable, or while they are being organized, respirators will be utilized. A respirator will be given to every worker when such a device is essential to ensure the wellbeing of such an employee. These are provided by the business when they are required.
Ways in which the regulations standards were violated.
The general duty clause of OSHA necessitates all companies or employers to offer each worker with a working environment that is hazard free. Moreover, OSHA’s general industry standards work to any occupation in whichever industry to the degree that specific standards for particular industries do not work. For this reason, there is a need for every employer to comprehend the uses and necessities under the general duty clause and general industry standards. Similarly, employers need to understand any particular rules that may be used in their industry.
1910.134 (a) (2) The business is in charge of setting up and executing a composed respiratory assurance program for the worksite in the phase of development (osha.gov, 2017). The organization was in infringement since they neglected to have a respiratory assurance program in actuality to shield Lindsey from taking in harmful contaminants while in the building site which made her turn out to be sick.
Ways of reducing the concerns identified.
For the identifiable safety concerns to be minimized, there is a need to put up signs to warn others on the same, restrict the use of such areas among other things. Businesses should intermittently screen these variables of changes in working methods, air development, temperature, dampness, as they influence air contaminant level. Bosses need to show the supervisors and workers how to choose, use, and look after respirators appropriately.
Workers compensation issues applicable to the state laws
Lindsay’s problem which was caused by breathing toxic material, the company neglected to protect the employee form the chemical knowingly. Off course the company knew that the area could contain such risks. Similarly, the incidence where Andrew into an open excavation. The company had a responsibility to fill such open pits.
NRS 617.342 1. A worker or in case of death award of worker Shall give written notice of a word related malady for which pay is payable under this part to the business of the employee when practicable, yet inside seven days after the worker or ward knows about the handicap and its relationship to the worker’s work (State of California Department of Industrial Relations, 2017).
Ways, the organization, can reduce the risk level of the employees’ injury
In Andrew’s scenario, the company had the responsibility to establish the exact cause of factors that contributed to him falling in an open excavation in California. It would eliminate any possible repeat of a similar case.
In Thomas’s scenario, the company knew that such an incident was likely to occur, for this reason, the company was expected to take preventive measures such as fencing all the working areas to avoid any accidents on the site.
In Lindsay’s case, the company had the responsibility of giving their employees protective gears to protect them from dangerous situations. It would eliminate any possible inhalation of chemicals or unwanted substances (Occupational Diseases, n.d). Also, reducing the exposure to respiratory hazards by having proper ventilation or providing adequate respirator depending on the type of danger.
State of California Department of Industrial Relations. (2017). How is my case resolved? Retrieved from https://www.dir.ca.gov/dwc/CaseResolved.htm
www.osha.gov. (2017). Hazard Identification and Assessment. Retrieved from https://www.osha.gov/shpguidelines/hazard-Identification.html
CHAPTER 617 – OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.leg.state.nv.us/NRS/NRS-617.html#NRS617Sec342
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