Work and its Role

Work and its Role

Work and its role have become one of the most debatable contexts across different sectors of an economy. The workers argue differently based on the compensation rates and other aspects such as the working conditions and working time. Consequently, work has been understood differently across different levels of society. It is an activity conducted to earn income. Work requires the utilization of energy features it. It is done with a purpose thus meeting specified levels of expectation. It is an activity that is conducted to fulfill duties and role. Based on a personal understanding work is undertaken to achieve the essential needs to get income and to perform assigned tasks.

When people mention work, I think of it as an act of accomplishing the task. Besides, I think of it as a primary mode of production that a person does for a living. Therefore, it is an activity that the majority of people in society have engaged. However, I  also think that the way people conduct work is different. Work performance relies on the skills and the way a person is trained to do the job. Performing well or conducting productive work varies from one person or the other. The variance occurs due to the diverse context of how people understand work. Hands-on skills are crucial for conducting excellent job. Besides, other aspects such as being industries and commitment influence the rate of accomplishing which the work. Therefore, the more an individual is committed to working the more the productivity and results of a given task. For work to be accomplished time is required. Therefore people tend to take different amounts of time to achieve a specific piece of work

From the context of the family history work has been existing since the time a person is young. The division of understanding their roles. However, r the treatment of workers at a family level is not much intensive as a case where laws and regulations govern the accomplishment of different work activities. The tradition of working at a family level s governed by simple instructions and guidance by the of senior family members or the parents. The family plays a crucial role in introducing the context of work. Major activities conducted, at homes involves working to accomplishing family role and performing duties such as cleaning and washing. It is one the places that help a person to grow to know that work is crucial in a person’s life. Organization of action requires a person to apply adequate efforts that result in desirable outcomes. Household work hours matters

Work matters to the family and society. It defines social and economic growth and stability. It determines the ability of the family. It is through work that parents access an opportunity to earn income and raise children. Personally, the image of action is, embedded in the fact that it provides an opportunity for anybody to be busy. It is something that occupies the mind and requires concentration. Achieving the best outcome in conducting work is based. It is natural to work. Therefore , understanding a full range of work provides an opportunity for people to understand their roles in the family and the community.

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