Stephen Gonzales
Hi Stephen,
It is true that people communicate in order to satisfy varied needs. In your analysis, you have identified social, identity, practical and physical needs. You have done a good job on this aspect since you have gone into detail to explain these aspects. The explanations make it clear on why people communicate and are backed by evidence from the course’s prescribed text. With regards to studying communication theory in a core education class, I tend to agree with your sentiments. It is true that communication is vital in most of the courses that are offered in the institution. This is due to the interactions that are likely to surface in an individual’s personal and professional life. For teachers, it is even more prevalent since they have to device ways of presenting themselves in a manner that is efficient for all the students. However, I feel as if you should have put in more details on this part of the question. On the issue of communicative concept you have also outlined an important aspect that communication strategies ought to be applied based on the context involved. This is to say that there is no set ideal way of communicating; being an effective communicator is dependent on the circumstances involved.
Lisa Anderson
Hi Lisa,
A good piece of writing you’ve got here. You have started well by defining what communication is all about, and you have done a good job in discussion your definition. The way that you have explained how transactional model of communication supersedes the linear model when it comes to education proponents is also commendable. This is because students ought to give feedback while in the classroom set-up for the teacher to know what is working and what is not working. This way the teacher can adjust some of the communication proponents in order to ensure that the students benefit from the prevailing conditions. I also like the section that you talked about how the nature of communication changes as technology advances. According to Adler et al. (2014), the more the technology advances, the more people tend to embrace it with ease. The authors have given the examples of the radio, television, the Internet, and Facebook. It took a longer period for radio to be embraced by large numbers compared to the other technologies that came after it. It is also true that effective communication under communicative competence is more about the situation at hand. A good communicator should apply their skills of communication putting into consideration the situation at hand.
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