Goff argues that the white-picket-fence American dream is “dead,” or disappearing, because it is too hard for people to achieve. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? You can support your essay by citing examples from Goff, your interview, and any other reliable resources you find.
Type your thesis here:
The white picket fence dream is dying because people are adopting the notions of the New American dream. The dream is also expensive for most people to afford.
The founding father’s dream
This dream is all about happiness. It talks about people working towards a life where they feel contented. It is concerned with the welfare of the people.
White picket fence dream
The dream supports the idea of making as much money as possible. With this money, people can by houses, cars, and expensive electronics among other things that money can afford. The prospect of making a good life for the family is highly upheld.
The New American dream
With this dream, people tend to seek fulfillment of basic needs such as education and healthcare. People desire spending more time with their families and friends. They also desire the essence of more freedom.
In your thesis, you argued that the American dream is or is NOT dying. What main points and evidence will you use to support this thesis?
The white picket fence dream is dying since people have started to adopt new ideologies. Among them is the New American dream. This dream is more concerned with things that matter or bring a meaning to the society. The expenses involved with the white picket fence dream are also too high for most people to afford.
Briefly summarize the relevant parts of your interview:
Sofia is of the opinion that people should desire to attain the American dream. She asserts that if it was not for the way she visualized the American dream, she would not have been able to actualize it. Her life is great now and her children are living a good life since she worked towards attaining the American dream.
Does your interview support or refute your thesis? Explain here:
The interview refutes my thesis. Sofia believes that the white picket fence dream is still alive and people should strive to attain it. It is the desire to attain the dream that made her life the way it is right now.
The white picket fence dream is dying because people are adopting the notions of the New American dream. The dream is also expensive for most people to afford.
The white picket fence dream seems to be out of reach for most people. It is quite expensive for people to attain this dream given other life commitments. As a result, people are opting for the alternatives provided by the New American dream.
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