What I would say

What I would say

2.) There are various ways in which an individual may determine whether he/she is ready to become a parent. These are; self-discovery, individuals should ask themselves whether they are destined to become parents.This question should help them determine whether they are ready for parenthood or they should wait to become parents in the future (Stoppard, 318). Thefactors that constitute a good parent include; commitment and responsibility, a good parent is a responsible and committed one. The other factor is the ability to manage stress; this is because parenthood comes with a lot of anxiety and temper. The other factor is a positive role model; a good parent passes good morals and values to his/her children.

3.) There are various types of emotionsthat accompany becoming pregnant, being pregnant and giving birth. Emotions that accompany becoming pregnant include; moodiness after conception, nausea, vomiting and morning sickness, and this may persist throughout the day. Changes in the breast may also be registered after becoming pregnant. The emotions that accompany being pregnant are stress; this is as they think about the future, employment, medical care among many more. They also experience fatigue. The emotionsthat accompany when giving birth are; joy, this is after seeing the baby. The other emotion is fear; one may be afraid of being left alone. Various factors that may contribute to these emotions are; hormonal changes in pregnancy leading to feeling vulnerable and less secure.

4.) There are multiple pros and cons of sex-preselection technology. The pros include; giving the couple an opportunity to plan about for the family. This is because sex-preselectionenables the parent to know the number of children to raise. The other advantage is that; it gives the parent an opportunity to prepare for the coming baby. And lastly, it can help to prevent the passing of genetic disorder from the parentsto the child. Sex-preselectiontechnology cons include; breaching of morals and ethics, it breaks the law of nature, i.e., traditional conception without interferingwith the child. The other con is the impractical expense, here, a lot of costs are used in sex-preselection.

6.)A trimester is three months, a division of the duration during pregnancy. A pregnancy has three trimesters, and each of them comes with its own specific hormonal and psychological changes. The 1sttrimester last from the first day of conception to the 13th week. In this trimester, the uterus begins to support placenta and fetus growth (Stoppard, 327). The blood supply increases to carry oxygen and nutrients, the heartbeat increases. The symptoms here include fatigue, headaches, and constipation. The 2nd trimester last from the 13th to 27th week, this is the period where many pregnant women are very uncomfortable. The common complaints include heartburn and leg cramps. The 3rdtrimester lasts from the 28th week to birth time. Here, the expectant mother has to visit the doctor regularly to test urine protein, blood pressure, to listen to heart rate, and measure weight. The doctor in this trimester generally monitors the body.

8.) The three stages of labor that you expect are as follows; early labor phase; this is the first stage of labor, you don’t need to rush to the hospital, relax and enjoy the familiar home surrounding. It lasts for around (8-12 hoursStoppard, 345). In this stage, contractions are irregular and mild. The 2nd stage is active labor, here, the pregnant woman can go to the hospital now ready for delivery,and support is needed on this stage. This stage lasts for around 3 to 5 hours, here, contractions are stronger and longer. The 3rdstage is the transitional phase, this is the most tuff phase, but it is the shortest. Here, one contraction takes place at a time.


Work cited

Stoppard, Miriam. Conception, Pregnancy & Birth: The Childbirth Bible for Today’s Parents. Penguin, 2008.

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