What are the main strengths of the literature review?

What are the main strengths of the literature review?

  1. What are the main strengths of the literature review?

The author has done well in explaining the five senses and has given sufficient information about how each sense is perceived.

  1. Did you feel that enough background information was provided to allow you to understand the rationale for conducting the literature review?

The article has provided necessary background information by explaining different cells of the tongue. Cell type II, for example, are receptor cells which contributes to sweet, bitter and umami taste while presynaptic cells contribute to sour taste.

  1. Is the balance between the different sections about right? Or has too much space been allocated to one section (e.g., introduction) at the expense of another (e.g., key topic areas)?

The chart is confusing especially the first column of the last row which contains arrows that are not linked to any factor to show the relationship

  1. What are your main suggestions for improvement to this literature review?

Since there is a lot of information in the draft chart, the author should have limited the data in the chart and offer extra information below the chart.

  1. Did you feel that the article had good flow and structure? Was it easy to follow the author’s train of thought from one paragraph to the next?

Charts alone are not enough in explaining concepts, especially if not well arranged. The size of the chart complicates understanding of the relationship between different factors because it is not easy for readers to follow.  Generally, flowcharts are clumsy and, so readers waste a lot of time trying to understand the relationship (Passera, Kankaanranta, &Louhiala, 2017). The flow chart is confusing and difficult to follow because it contains a lot of information some of which is not linked to any column or row to show the relationship.



Passera, S., Kankaanranta, A., &Louhiala-Salminen, L. (2017). Diagrams in contracts: Fostering understanding in global business communication. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, 60(2), 118-146.

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