Weekly journal: World Vision International

Weekly journal: World Vision International


World vision is an international recognized Christian organization. It was founded in 1950s by Reverend Robert Pierce. It was started as a as a relief and development organization working to promote the well-being of the poor regardless of their color, ethnicity, religion or origin. It was initially started as a service organization to meet the emergency needs of the missionaries especially in United States. However, it later expanded its operations to other countries with an objective of providing relief to the poor and more specifically children. World vision international has focused on orphaned children especially in Uganda, Somalia, and Romania most of who became orphans a result of HIV/AIDS and civil war. The non-profit organization has over the years introduced poverty eradication programs in agriculture to promote self-reliance (Cnx.org, 2015). It also provided clean water to communities that helped in the drop of mortality rate and also for irrigation purposes. It is ranked as the 11th largest charity in United States with total revenue of over $ 981 million.

. In partnership with governments, businesses, and other organizations, WV has addressed issues of child labor, children sexual exploitation and use of children in civil wars significantly. In essence, the main objective of world vision international is to ensure sustained well-being of children, especially the most vulnerable (Wvi.org, 2015). It is mandated to;

  1. Ensure children are safe and protected from crimes
  2. Ensure that children grow healthy and strong
  3. Offer children and family support in acquiring knowledge and skills needed to lead productive and fulfilling lives.
  4. Foster loving and nurturing a relationship with God and each other.

Vision statement: the company’s vision statement is based on John 10:10 “I have come that you might have life, life in all its fullness.”

Mission statement: ‘’follow our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in working with the poor and oppressed to promote human transformation, seek justice and bear witness to the good news of the Kingdom of God.’’

Most of the operations within the organization are funded by well wishers. It also partner with other international organizations such as WHO and UNICEF. It also worth noting that the organization has also introduced ‘’sponsor a child program’’ thus expanding financial sources for the organization funding. The organization has its operations in more than 100 countries, and it mainly depends on donations and grants (Wvi.org, 2015). The organization has had effective approaches that help deal with emerging issues and conflicts. For instance, the sponsor a child program had some conflicts and corruption allegation. However, the communication department of the organization responded swiftly thus saving the organization from negative publicity.


Etihad Airways is the leading national carrier in UAE and Abu Dhabi region. The company offers both cargo and passenger flights indifferent destinations all over the world. The company commenced its operations in 2003 after its establishment by Royal (Amiri) Decree of Abu Dhabi. The company is known to operate over a 1000 flights per week of passenger and cargo in different destinations in most parts of the world which include; Middle East, Africa and Europe (Cnx.org, 2015). Etihad airways have a fleet of 85 airbus and Boeing aircraft which have been very instrumental in the company’s operations. Over the years the company has registered a steady growth both in terms of profitability and expansion. This has made the company the fourth largest airline in Middle East and second in the domestic market of UAE after Emirates airlines. The organization funds its operations from the profits realized from the daily sales of goods and services (Etihad Guest, 2015). The airline employs over 10, 000 workers from over 126 nations of which 8,512 of them are based in its headquarters in Abu Dhabi.

VISION STATEMENT: The airline seeks to reflect the best of Arabian hospitality – cultured, considerate, warm and generous – as well as enhance the prestige of Abu Dhabi as a centre of hospitality between East and West. Our goal is to be a truly 21st century, global airline, challenging and changing the established conventions of airline hospitality.

MISSION STATEMENT: “Give a refreshing welcoming to their guest, where travel should be safe and secure in an environment that is friendly, and where global standards in both terms is practiced, be it hospitality or in the technical aspects in assuring a safe journey for its guests.”

The airline faces direct competition from other airlines such as Jet airways, Qatar Airways, Oman Gulf Air and Emirates Airlines among other international firms.  Emirates airlines are considered as the greatest threat to the transportation sector of the airline. The tourism sector also face completion from other service providers such as Star Cruises and Carnival Cruise who to a great extent offer similar services and at cheaper rates. However, the company has remained competitive over the years. The company posted a net profit of US$ 73 million on total revenues of US$ 7.6 billion in 2014 (Etihad Guest, 2015). This was an increase of 51.1% from the previous years. However safety and climate changes in Middle East have been the major obstacle in the aviation sector but the organization has invested heavily in promoting their business in different parts of the world.


Cnx.org,. (2015). OpenStax CNX. Retrieved 3 November 2015, from http://cnx.org/contents/71cf97c2-6e5c-4d86-b07c-c389bb420067@1/Company-Profile-Template

Etihad Guest,. (2015). Etihad Airways history and vision. Retrieved 3 November 2015, from http://www.etihadguest.com/pt/global/about-us/our-story

Wvi.org,. (2015). World Vision International | For Children. For Change. For Life.. Retrieved 3 November 2015, from http://www.wvi.org/


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