City | Dewpoint (°F) | Current weather | Barometric Pressure | Pressure over the last three hours | Pressure trend | Precipitation in last six hours | |
1 | Birmingham, AL | 68°F | Cloud is 0.2-0.3, wind moves towards southeast. | 1002.7mb | -2.5mb | Decreasing | 1.6mm |
2 | Buffalo, NY | 26°F | Completely cloudy, wind moves towards northeast | 1009.6mb | -0.2mb | Decreasing | 2.8mm |
3 | Chicago, IL | 29°F | Cloudy, wind moves towards northeast | 996.2mb | -5.5mb | Decreasing | 1.25mm |
4 | Columbia, SC | 61°F | Cloud is 0.2-0.3, wind moves towards southeast | 1004.9mb | -1.1mb | Decreasing | 0.80mm |
5 | Columbus, OH | 41°F | Completely cloudy, wind moves towards east. | 1003.8mb | -1.4mb | Decreasing | 1.80mm |
6 | Dallas, TX | 64°F | Cloud is 0.5, wind moves towards southeast. | 1006.4mb | 2.1mb | Increasing | 0.12mm |
7 | Des Moines, IA | 32°F | Completely cloudy, wind moves towards southeast. | 989.5mb | -4.7mb | Decreasing | 1.25mm |
8 | Fort Collins, CO | 9°F | No clouds, wind is steady | 1009.8mb | 1.9mb | Increasing | 0.00mm |
9 | Jacksonville, FL | 78°F | Cloud is 0.1, wind is moving towards southeast. | 1008.5mb | 0.6mb | Increasing | 0.00mm |
10 | Lexington, KY | 62°F | Cloud is 0.6, wind moves towards east. | 1003.2mb | -2.8mb | Decreasing | 2.5mm |
11 | Little Rock, AR | 65°F | No clouds, wind moves towards south | 997.9mb | -0.1mb | Decreasing | 0.25mm |
12 | Miami, FL | 86°F | Cloud is 0.9, wind moves towards southeast. | 992.9mb | -16.5mb | Decreasing | 4.4mm |
13 | Minneapolis, MN | 8°F | No clouds, wind moves towards north. | 1008.3mb | 1.2mb | Increasing | 0.00mm |
14 | Nashville, TN | 61°F | Cloud is 0.5, wind moves towards southeast. | 1001.8mb | -1.9mb | Decreasing | 1.9mm |
15 | New Orleans, LA | 68°F | Cloud is 0.1, wind moves towards south. | 10056mb | 0.00mb | Steady | 0.00mm |
16 | Oklahoma City, OK | 72°F | Completely cloudy, wind moves towards southwest. | 1009.6mb | 0.8mb | Increasing | 0.00mm |
17 | Pierre, SD | 16°F | No clouds, wind moves towards northwest. | 1009.1mb | 8.4mb | Increasing | 3.2mm |
18 | Portland, OR | 65°F | Cloud is 0.2-0.3, wind moves towards southeast. | 1005.7mb | -0.7mb | Decreasing | 1.00mm |
19 | Raleigh, NC | 49°F | Cloud is 0.2-0.3, wind moves towards southeast. | 1007.1mb | -1.5mb | Decreasing | 0.00mm |
20 | Richmond, VA | 66°F | Completely cloudy, wind moves towards east. | 1006.9mb | -2.05mb | Decreasing | 0.5mm |
21 | San Francisco, CA | 58°F | Cloud is 0.1, wind moves towards southeast. | 1009.5mb | -0.1mb | Decreasing | 0.00mm |
22 | Santé Fe, NM | 27°F | No clouds, wind moves towards southwest. | 1009.6mb | 0.8mb | Increasing | 0.00mm |
23 | Seattle, WA | 64°F | Cloud is 0.4, wind moves towards east. | 1003.2mb | 1.5mb | -Decreasing | 1.75mm |
24 | St. Louis, MO | 67°F | Completely cloudy, wind moves towards southeast. | 993.8mb | -1.5mb | Decreasing | 2.5mm |
25 | Wichita KS | 38°F | Cloud is 0.2-0.3, wind moves towards west. | 1004.3mb | 5.6mb | Increasing | 2.5mm |
If the system continues due east at 300miles/day, the prediction for tomorrow’s weather will be as follows.
Locations | Wind directions | Temperature | Cloud cover | Precipitation | |
1 | Bangor, ME | Change in wind directions | Fall in temperature | Partly Cloudy | 0% |
2 | Birmingham, AL | Change in wind directions | Fall in temperature | Cloudy | Slight rain |
3 | Dallas, TX | Low speed wind | Fall in temperature | No clouds | 0% |
4 | Denver, CO | No change | No change | No change | No change |
5 | Jacksonville, FL | High speed wind | Sudden drop in temperature | Partly cloudy | Scattered and average rainfall |
6 | Louisville, KY | Change in wind direction | Moderate temperature | Partly cloudy | Slight rain |
7 | Minneapolis, MN | Steady wind | Increase in temperature | Partly cloudy | 0% |
8 | New York, NY | High speed wind | Moderate temperature | Cloudy | Heavy rainfall |
9 | Pittsburgh, PA | Moderate wind | Fall in temperature | Cloudy | Moderate rainfall and snow |
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