Literature review entails a broad exploration of one’s research topic to explain how his or her work fits in that extensive conservation of the chosen topic. There are two ways in which it can be organized; either chronological or topical. The latter means arranging the theme(s) of the research topic while the first one is the arrangement from the past studies to the newest. In this connection, I would prefer the use of chronological order in organizing my literature review. Because the primary significance is to demonstrate reasons as to why the author’s research is essential.
The reasons behind the arrangement of literature review in chronological order are as follows. First, it enables the reader to know how the research has advanced. Also, it assists him or her, the reader, to recognize the efforts the researcher has made concerning the said topic and the contributions towards making the research successful. Besides, the reader will be in a position to judge the progress research through comparison of the past and the current studies thereby noticing the change which can be positive or negative depending on what he or is after. Finally, the research topic will be understood in a better way basing on the reasons given above. In summation, I would recommend the use of chronological order to every research as the reasons above because they are every reader’s objective.
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