Water Conservation Practices

Water Conservation Practices

Cluster 1:‘Extreme water wasters’: Going by Table 7.3, this group is the least likely to employ technology in the conservation of water. With a mean score of 3.6576, it ranks the highest among all clusters regarding insensitivity to the impact of technology on water management. The highest difference was evident between the mean score of this cluster and that of ‘extreme water conservers.’ It is also worth noting that this group has the third-largest percentage of married people (18.1%), compared with ‘extreme water conservers’ at only 4.9%.

Cluster 2:‘Moderate water wasters’: In the category of garden management practices, the biggest difference in mean scores is observed between ‘extreme water wasters’ and this cluster. This group has the lowest mean score of 2.0820 while ‘extreme water wasters’ have the highest mean score at 3.8141.

Cluster 3:‘Least water wasters’: Interestingly, the tap cleaning and dish load behaviors of this cluster are ranked second after those of ‘extreme water wasters.’ Ordinarily, it would be expected that since they have the strongest aversion to wasting water, they would have a low mean score.

Cluster 4:‘Least Water conservers’: There is a slight distinction between the mean score of this cluster (2.9640) and that of ‘extreme water conservers (2.7167) in relation to water management practices. It indicates that while they may not engage in water conservation practices, people in this group are also unlikely to wastewater, which is why the mean score is closest to that of ‘least water wasters.’

Cluster 5:‘Moderate Water conservers’: This cluster has the highest mean score when examined based on water management practices; the biggest gap occurs between its mean score and that of ‘extreme water conservers.

Cluster 6:‘Extreme water conservers’: Based on Table 7.3, this cluster has the lowest mean scores in technological conservation and water management practices. As such they are the most likely to adopt technological innovations in water conservation; they are also the most willing to embrace better water management habits.


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