Urban and Rural Service Coordination

Urban and Rural Service Coordination

Urban Service Coordination
Women leaving drug substance treatment are more likely to have re-occurring cases of substance abuse than men. Concerning the high possibility of reversion to drug abuse, these women leaving nuing treatment will need counseling and therapeutic services, Support to reintegrate back with family and friends and lastly support to deal with stigmatization (Psychology, 2019). While there are over a dozen Agencies and Service providers that deal with the integration of substance abuse patients about to be integrated back to the community, the most notable ones around Tampa Bay, Florida are 7 Summit Pathways, Turning Point of Tampa, INC., and Banyan Hyde Park. While all the three are specialists in substance relapse treatment for both male and female, Banyan Hyde Park mainly specializes in women struggling with drug abuse. The three particular programs that these women will require are; individual therapy for a case of relapse, group counseling and 12-step programs (7 Summit 2019). The last two, in particular, will be vital in addressing stigmatization and problems with reintegration back to the community. Concerning access to the above services, we will work with non-governmental and philanthropic groups to provide transport and other services.
Rural Service Coordination
Key issues that will need to be addressed for inmates with a history of substance abuse include the need to address their basic needs upon release from prisons, dealing with stigmatization, guilt, shame and identity issues as well as dealing with cases of relapse. Most inmates with a history of substance abuse tend to revert to abuse of drugs upon the end of prison period (Center 2019). To help meet the above needs, we will work closely with The West Virginia Division of Rehabilitation Service to empower inmates jailed due to substance abuse cases on how to return to normal life upon the end of their jail terms. Some of the agencies that will help rehabilitate inmates include Maryland Center for Addiction Treatment and the Eastern Panhandle Center. The prison will cater for all the treatment services.

7 Summit (2019). The Journey to the Summit Begins with the First Step. 7 Summit Pathways. Retrieved
from https://7summitpathways.com/
Center (2019). West Virginia Drug Rehabs. Addiction Center. Retrieved from
Psychology (2019). Substance Abuse Treatment Centers in Tampa, FL. Psychology Today. Retrieved from