United States and China Trade War

The United States and China have been engaging in a trade war for a long time. The dispute is fuelled by the tariffs imposed on goods and service by both countries. The escalation of this war has resulted in severe problems in the East Asia countries economy. This is because it has significantly affected the flow of goods and services between different countries. Ideally, it has negatively impacted investment in East Asia. Products from East Asia countries are subject to huge tariffs which are non-negotiable in the US market making the cost of business to increase. This has also harmed the economies of East Asia nation resulting in closedown of various companies to the reduction of demand. Today, there I increased the cares of unemployment in East Asia countries due to our China trade war. However, to bypass us import tariff hike, the East Asia nations have diverted investment towards developing land in Africa and Europe. Fortunately, the U.S and China government have been in constant talk to contain the situation.

I am interested in this study topic because I want to understand the effect of us china trade war on the East Asia countries, as well as to other world nation. Moreover, I need to know what the nations affected can do to solve the problem before it destroys the economy.  I am interested in finding out the effects market and whether the US imports from the East Asian country have dropped.

This topic will allow me to understand the importance of of international relation in conflict resolution. I am interested to learn more about how political differences can affects the economy and relationship between nations.

I expect to find out how we china trade war affect the social, political and economic status of East Asian countries.

In this research, I will use data from various international newspapers and other news outlets.

Lack of reliable data source is the primary challenge I can foresee in conducting this research.


Work Cited

Massimiliano, Cali. The Impact of Us China Trade War on East Asia. 2018, https://voxeu.org/article/impact-us-china-trade-war-east-asia


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