This paper discusses the evaluation of the impacts of hosting the refugees in the economy and the refugee policies that define the role, the immigration and the welfare of the refugees in the United States. To achieve this, the paper provides an overview of the older refugee’s policies and the current ones in the United States and how the regulation of the number of refugees has contributed to economic significance.
The Origin of the Refugees Policy
The immigration of people to the United States drew the attention of the government by the 18th century. Indeed, the migration to the United States was not restricted and the government sought to respond to such. In response, the federal government avowed its control by putting in place laws that regulated the incoming of people. The sentiments of President Franklin hastened the formation of theImmigration Acts by 1753. He claimed that the state would become a German colony, and the Americans would start training to use the German language if the immigrationfrom German is not controlled (Aziz et al. 3). As a result, the first Act was formed in 1875 which strictly stood against the entry of Asians in the US without permission while exempting those convicted in their home countries for aberrant offenses (Aziz et al. 4). A year later, the Act operated in three dimensions which were; exempting particular groups, putting barriers to the immigrants such as tests on literacy and economic self-sufficiency, and controlling the immigration based on national origin quotas. Another immigration Act was formed in 1917 which responded to the concern that the standards of the American had declined due to the influx of people (Aziz et al. 4). The above laws were later contained in the National Origins Act, which codified all the laws by posing more barriers to admission of refugees, besides being criticized for operating under race, prejudice, and assimilations.
Summary of Current Refugees Policy
Today, the refugees and the immigration legislation have taken another dimension since 2017. The immigration legislation seeks to broaden those people prioritized for deportation, reduce the admission of refugees, end the temporary protection of the refugees, and slow the visa processing. The present regime in the United States has approved many executive orders that relate to immigration. For instance, the USbuilt a wall on southern parts and recruited 1500 border and interior enforcement officers to replace the ‘sanctuary cities’ (Aziz et al. 3). The enforcement officers are mandated to restrain unauthorized immigrants. Since the inauguration of president Trump, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) have eradicated 61000 immigrants from the United States (Aziz et al. 3). Indeed, the United States in regulating the entry of the refugees to state, keeping data of the existing ones, to ensure that they get the needed support and protection from the state. The restriction is also used as a way of reducing the criminality brought by the unauthorized people in the state, thus making the United States as one of the countries with minimal cases of terrorism.
The Economic Model of the Refugees Policy in the U.S
Refugees attract the development actors to operate with local communities along the workers, and refugees who are legally allowed to operate in the host country’s agricultural sectors. The refugee’s policy on the economy in the US suggests refugees become asylum and acquire visas. The visas earn them recognition by the host country, giving them the privilege of gaining employment at better pays. The refugee’s policy advocate for the host countries to legalize the refugees to work and start productive lives in the host countries. Indeed, such should not cause worry to the natives in the sense that opportunities are maybe scarce, disadvantaging the natives. Typically, native workers usually perform best at working stations in the presence of migrants. Research shows that in theUnited States show that, out of 15% of the United States populations, 25% of them are entrepreneurs. Still, in the economy, migrants are prone to take the risk in business such as creating a new scheme (Aziz et al. 3). The refugees are also used in fostering international trade and investments. Indeed, they mediate amid the business people and the local communities.
Analysis of Current Policy Based On the Economic Model
The US resettlement program asserts every refugee to the state to get jobs. Similarly, the department of state (DOS) offers funding to anchor the accommodation of the immigrants. The accommodations should cater to all the requirements, as well as cater for training on the language used for them to secure jobs. Based on the current immigration policy, the government regulates the influx of the refugees, to a manageable number since the state seeks to have self-sustaining refugees. The training on literary skills is meant to elude the refugees from mainly being involved in semi-skilled jobs which are less paying, reducing their autonomy. The US refugee’s policy should help the elderly refugees to get into the labor markets. The integration of the elderly refugees and those with greater language proficiency would produce a perfect integration in business and the economic sector.
While the United States is the leading country that has hosted many immigrants, and it has been interested in transforming them from dependence to autonomy. The state has achieved such by setting up refugees policy, which from past have worked on reducing the number of immigrants to a manageable tally. The policies, through history, have purposed to legalize their presence in the state, train them literary skills, and offer the full range of opportunities, thus, helping frame the economy. As a result, the refugees have positively impacted the economy contrary to what people expect.
Work Cited
Aziz, Sahar F., Joanna Gardner, and Omar Rana. “Towards Empowerment and Sustainability: Reforming America’s Syrian Refugee Policy.” Available at SSRN 3324792 (2019).
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