This assessment will be a 2,500 word essay which refers to the action plan you developed for the formative assignment.
It will be a reflective piece of work, which builds on your formative action plan. The paper will require you to provide greater detail about your understanding of your learning need, as well as the steps required to enable you to reach the outcomes that you identified in the formative work.
This assignment will use the literature concerning reflection in professional education, individual learning needs and learning theory and self-management in a professional career.
To sum up, your assignment will contain identification of one learning need from your Episode of Care (reflection), an action plan to achieve that learning need and a reflective assignment addressing the whole process of this achievement.
All the learning outcomes below need to be addressed within your discussion in your reflective assignment.
1. Critically evaluate your own professional practice against the standards expected of a Registered Nurse according to the NMC Code. This emphasises the need for your practice to reflect high standards. This requires continuous professional development through developing new skills.
2. Critically analyse the knowledge, skills and competencies required for effective leadership, management and team-working in nursing practice. This knowledge and skill set will help you to deliver high quality care while using resources effectively.
3. Critically appraise the political and professional influences on healthcare delivery and nursing practice. This ability can be demonstrated through showing how future learning will be based on new services and societal demands such as those produced by United Kingdom government policies.
4. Critically reflect of the transition from student to Registered Nurse and articulate the ongoing development required to deliver safe and effective care. The newly qualified nurse will need to continually develop new skills and assimilate new knowledge. Through the essay part of the assignment a learning need will be explored in terms of how that learning will happen. This will be supported by exploration of how the person learns. At this point the literature related to adult learning theories and skills acquisition can be used to support the points made in the discussion. You will have identified your learning need through your reflection but you may wish to discuss your choice with one of the tutors.
5. Critically evaluate strategies to support your own continuing professional development. This will also be demonstrated through your showing how you have improved awareness of what kind of learner you are and which learning approaches suit you best.
Academic skills:
Students must ensure the work reflects level six expectations. A range of contemporary and/or seminal references with accurate use of referencing system. Clear logical structure, academic presentation, accurate grammar and spelling, word count, plagiarism and confidentiality.
Remember to:
Introduce your work and introduce your chosen individual learning need from the given Episode of Care.
Provide a conclusion to your essay summarising the key points and what you have learnt through undertaking the assignment.
You must attach/submit both the Reflective account and the Personal Action Plan along with the summative essay. In other words, all three components count towards the summative assessment.
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