Topics on Lean System

Topics on Lean System

Just in Time (JIT)

It refers to a production strategy used by companies or businesses to improve their return on investment by reducing associated carrying cost and in-process inventory. The signal between different points in the process allows the organization to meet the JIT objectives (Nicholas, 2010). The strategy focusses on continuous improvement and is responsible for improving the organization’s quality, return on investment and efficiency. Therefore, the JIT inventory benefits the organization by eliminating waste, ensuring low inventory, high-quality production, and high customer responsiveness (Nicholas, 2010). On the other hand, the JIT strategy has the following weakness. Since it is interdependent, it possesses the risk to the supply chain in situations when we have labor strikes, demand fluctuations, interrupted supply and unforeseen interruptions in the production.

Lean Production

It refers to a production practice that entails an expenditure of fewer resources to create value for the customer and eliminating wasteful steps that do not add value to the output.  Lean manufacturing finds efficiencies by adopting a customer value focus whereby they tend to identify what the customers is willing to pay (Nicholas, 2010). Therefore, customers would not pay for defects since they do not add value to the end product. The categories of wastes include overproduction, waiting time of operators and machines, unnecessary transportation, defects in quality, non-value adding motions, waste in the process itself and excess stock of materials and components.


It refers to a method used to manage the creation of products by focusing on continual delivery while minimizing overburdening the development team. It helps teams in an organization to work together more effectively (Klipp, 2013). Kanban’s three principles include the following. First, you should visualize the workflow. It entails creating a visual model and observe the flow of work through the system. Second, you should limit work in progress. This will balance the team’s flow-based approach so that they do not commit themselves on too much work at once. Third, you should manage the flow. The team should carefully monitor the workflow to get a better understanding of the system.



Klipp, P. (2013). Getting started with Kanban. Retrived from

Nicholas, J. (2010). Lean production for competitive advantage: a comprehensive guide to lean methodologies and management practices. CRC Press.

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