Time Management

Time Management is essential in ensuring that one completes specific assigned tasks on time. Without a proper time management schedule, it is difficult to utilize the available time to complete the assignments for the course. The course has eight weeks with nine assignments. Therefore the assignments are due weekly from the beginning of the course. However, the tasks have different weights implying that they need different time allocation with more time on the more difficult assignments.

Since the assignments are to be submitted weekly, the strategy is, therefore, to plan a weekly schedule to avoid lateness. Since there are 168 hours in a week, every 5% of the assignments requires at least two hours. Therefore in the first week, I will spend two hours every day doing the reading assignment. In the second week, the discussion assignment will also take 2 hours. Every week, I will be spending two hours doing the homework. However, for the weeks with heavy homework such as week 3, 6 and 9, I will subdivide the assignments into smaller portions. Then, I will spend any idle time during the weeks to cover a part of the homework since two hours may not be enough to complete the tasks.

In the planning process, I used tools such as previous time schedules to be able to allocate time appropriately for the assignments. Besides, I read time management books to learn how to follow the program without getting into unplanned activities. Also, I used a Mac timer android application with the schedule for updating me on the tasks I have to handle and the time for the duties. In summary, a time management schedule is necessary for the completion of course assignments on time.



Time Management Schedule

Week Unit VI Unit VII Unit VIII
1 Read/View: Unit VI Study Guide    
2 Discuss: Unit VI Discussion Board (2%)    
3 Submit: Unit VI Annotated Bibliography 9%    
4   Read/View: Unit VII Study Guide.  
5   Discuss: Unit VII Discussion Board 2%  
6   Submit: Unit VII Annotated Bibliography 15%  
7     Read/View: Unit VIII Study Guide
8     Discuss: Unit VIII Discussion Board 2%
9     Submit: Unit VIII Reflection Paper



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