Threat of human-made global warming

Threat of human-made global warming

From the blog, it emerges that the author does not believe that there is a threat of human-made global warming.  The author supports his opinion utilizing statistical, technical and political perspectives. The blog further elaborates on the ideas presented to encourage people to reduce their carbon emissions. The blog points out other environmental concerns that are more urgent than the carbon emissions problem.

Regarding the statistical perspective, the blog considers worries from various dimensions. The author notes that there is insufficiently precise, long-term (for centuries) data, and which makes it hard to determine the historical cycle of global temperature variation accurately. The blog explains that most of the temperature increase reported is predominantly based on data collected over the last thirty years. Consequently, the temperature change could be a ‘normal’ minor fluctuation if the scale considered was large enough. Further, data provided by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and which scientists have cited frequently, has been manipulated for unknown reasons. The unreasonable data correction brings global warming studies to a distrustful state. Additionally, there are problems in the existing data sets regarding the strength of typhoons and hurricanes. Moreover, the scale in a single statistical chart can be modified to communicate different messages to people.

On the technical perspective, the author points out obstacles in the current computing models. The blog notes that the computer model contains too many environmental variables. As a result, it is difficult for the model to keep track of each tiny variable. Additionally, it is relatively easy for programmers to change values in the codes to achieve the desired output.

From the political perspective, the author describes that an inaccurate hypothesis like the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s  (IPCC) wrong prediction about the temperature increment by the end of the century is accepted in the public domain. The example proves that the public will tend not to challenge what is supported by the government.

Aside from the above aspects, the blog explains that the general belief that the increasing strength of extreme weathers has resulted from human-made climate change is false. On the contrary, a good indicator of the power of a Typhon is the total energy of the cyclonic storm, and which shows no discernible trend so far. Consequently, from the perspective of typhoons’ strength, we cannot consider global warming as a threat to our lives.

The author does not believe that there is a threat of human-made global warming. However, the blog does discuss some of the adverse economic effects of the policies designed to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. The blog describes that the carbon dioxide emission control policies should be replaced with the five plans that it proposes. The alternative plans include imposing a carbon tax, taking over the payroll tax, eliminating all the current Federal subsidies, mandates, and prohibitions adjusted by climate changes,  renegotiating the current nuclear energy regime, and helping the developing countries adopt cleaner energy production plans.

Further, the blog holds that pollution from sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, heavy metal emissions, and the unbreathable air in Chinese cities are more urgent than the carbon dioxide problem. Also, those challenges are much cheaper to solve than reducing carbon emissions. Thus, the blog presents the view that the carbon emissions problem, should not be the only issue on which people focus.

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