Themes in Luther Film

  1. One major theme in the movie is the absolutism. The people believed in the principles of theology that there is no salvation outside the church. However, when Luther wrote the 95 theses, he changed the peoples mind and brought about the principle of salvation outside the church but not outside Christ.
  2. Another theme is the opportunity people took at the writings of Luther. The church had been teaching people that salvation could be bought. Indulgencies were sold to the people as a passport to heaven. Luther himself could not keep up with these teachings. He wrote the 95 theses and later the new bible. The people embraced his teachings.
  3. Another theme is character of Luther. Luther was a strong believer in the true word of God. When he was summoned to speak to the pope, he argued that he is not interested in the comfort the church teachings offered rather he was interested in the truth about the world of God.
  4. Another theme is religion. The people seem to be very religious. They are tricked into believing that salvation can be bought by the church leaders who need money to prepare for war. When Luther wrote the 95 theses, the people eagerly embraced his teachings. Religion is an important part of the life of the people.
  5. Another theme is the political plays. The church leaders including the pope are selling indulgences to the people. In the argument between the Pope and Luther, the pope argues that the bible is a complex book for the common man to understand. Just like the politicians hide in the powers of the systems, the Church leaders were hiding in the powers of the Pope.

Response to Rosevelt Nwokeji 

Hi Rosevelt, great line of thought. I agree that the queen persecution of the Protestants was very brutal. The younger Elizabeth however grew from a naïve girl to a determined strategist who was keen in choosing her advisors and often ignored their advice of getting married. Though she took power at a very unstable period, she manages to restore order by fighting off all the enemies and embracing Protestantism.  Consider William Cecil, who was an advisor to the queen. He played a significant role in the making of policies.  After taking the throne, she declared the catholic country as protestant and harshly fought off assassinations from her rivals. I like your explanation of the English monarch, Henry Vlll.  He split from the Catholic Church and the idea was born. After his death, chaos arises and this shapes the future of the country. The world the=at the young queen Elizabeth grew up in was shaped by him.


Response to Hyung Jun Kwon 

Hi Hyung, great analysis there, the people’s awe of God is very evident in the movie. The people are willing to pay let alone walk up the stairs on their knees for their loved ones to go to heaven. The people believe in God but the church was taking advantage of this believe to collect money from them. At an early age after joining the church, Luther starts to realize the unjust way the church was treating people. After moving to Germany, his defection towards the church starts and he eventually defects and confronts the Pope. Through his writing of the 95 theses and the translation of the bible to common languages, the people embrace his teachings. The Princesses of the lands also embrace his teachings and stood their ground against the Pope.  Luther identifies himself with the truth about the word of God. He argues that there is salvation outside the church but not outside Christ.

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