The Spanish, French and Dutch Colonies

The Spanish, French and Dutch Colonies

The Spanish, French and Dutch colonies treated the natives differently in terms of freedom granted to the people and religious beliefs. However, they all had the same view when it came to intermarriage between the natives and the locals. Their colonies were run differently during different times. Their different approaches were dependent on what they wanted to achieve and the failures of previous colonists.

In terms of freedom, the Spanish government granted little liberty to non-Spanish and non-Christians. They were barred from emigrating to its Americas domains; however, the authorities granted Indians certain rights within colonial society with the intention to assimilate them. French and Dutch governments awarded greater freedoms to the native Americas.  French authorities allowed Indians to retain a high degree of independence. Dutch on the other hand granted them freedom of the press and broad religious tolerations. Their slaves even possessed rights.

Spanish empire only tolerated Christianity, especially Catholicism. There were long holy wars against Islam in Spain. They even redoubled their efforts to convert Indians to the “true faith”, Christianity. French and Dutch empires were religiously tolerant, the French also denied that Native Americans were inferior to Europeans. In Ditch, there were churches, but individuals could hold whatever religious views they wished. All the empires, Spanish, French and Dutch, allowed intermarriages. Spanish government approved it partly as a way of bringing Christianity to the native population.

Freedom in colonial societies was more of a granted opportunity. Empires could grant freedom and rights to people, and there were even many restrictions to those freedoms. Americas view of liberty in the 21st century has a much and large contrast compared to the colonial view of liberty. America views freedom as something that is paramount in one’s life and that restrictions should not be put to limit one’s freedom as was the case in colonial societies. However, freedom is monitored, and no one has the freedom to do wrongs in society.

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