The project will require four phases

The project will require four phases

In order to incorporate the recommended improvements, the project will require four phases.


EDIT: Comma should separate two independent phrases.



The current method for connecting standby power equipment during rain storms are in violation of PSHA regulations.


The current method for connecting standby power equipment during rainstorms violates PSHA regulations.


EDIT: Deleted ?are in violation of” and replaced with “violates” for subject-verb agreement.




The bid phase will require the services of a consultant as well as the director to review the bids and recommend a contractor.


The bid phase will require the services of a consultant and the director to review the bids and recommend a contractor.


EDIT: Replaced “as well as” with “and” (parallelism).




The engineering fee includes preparation of plans, review of bids, and servicing parts during construction.


The engineering fee includes preparation of plans, review of bids and servicing of parts during construction.


EDIT: Inserted “of” after the word “servicing” (parallelism).




When engineers respond to a power failure, he will first connect a portable standby power generator to one of the pumps.


When engineers respond to a power failure, they will first connect a portable standby power generator to one of the pumps.


EDIT: Replaced “he” with “they” (incorrect personal subject pronoun).




The electricians run power cables from the generator to the control center, that is located in the pump room.


The electricians run power cables from the generator to the control center located in the pump room.


EDIT: Deleted semicolon and the phrase “that is” (reduced relative clause).




The consultant will be responsible for the following three items; the preparation of plans, specifications and bid documents.


The consultant will be responsible for the following three items: the preparation of plans, specifications and bid documents.


EDIT:  Replaced semicolon with colon (a colon should be used before a list of three or more items.


Therefore, when a power failure occurs, the power supply to the pumps are switched from the standard supply to the generator.


The water treatment plant uses four high-speed pumps that provide treated water to our customers. (restrictive clause)


Because power failures usually result from a severe storm, the electricians often make the generator connections while standing in the rain.


Currently, the water treatment plant operates it’s standby power system in an unsafe manner. (it’s should be a possessive pronoun instead).


The expected initial cost is reasonable given the seriousness of the situation, and the proposed improvements will lower personnel costs in the future.  (comma missing before the coordinating conjunction and in a compound sentence)


The manager, will obtain proper approvals from the planning commission. (removed comma because it is separating the subject and verb in the sentence).


When an electrical failure occurs in the system, we develop an unsafe situation for our electricians.  (replaced semicolon with comma).


By inserting the generator plug into the permanent outlet, the standby power to the pump is connected.

Inserting the generator plug into the permanent outlet connects the standby power to the pump.


The coordination and cooperation of city forces to construct and operate the system is required to make improvements. (removed comma because it is separating the subject and verb in the sentence).


The existing condition is unsafe and violates OSHA regulations also, the current permanent standby power system does not meet todays high design standards.

(Two independent clauses improperly joined with a comma.

Corrected today’s for spelling error


With the installation proposed, these unsafe conditions can be eliminated, and these improvements will bring our operation up to current design standards.


The installation proposed can eliminate these unsafe conditions, and these improvements will bring our operation up to current design standards.


The contractor will ensure that proper EPA and building permits are obtained.


After these improvements we will be in full compliance with all safety regulations. (comma missing after introductory phrase).


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