The Personality Type, Striving or Party Influences the Level of Motivation That People Have Towards Committing Their Interest in Relationships

The Personality Type, Striving or Party Influences the Level of Motivation That People Have Towards Committing Their Interest in Relationships

The personality type, striving or party influences the level of motivation that people have towards committing their interest in relationships

The motivation that a person may have towards the development of either short term or long-term relationship is based on the personality type. The personality types, therefore, can be described as either striving or party. This shows the extent to which a person would be willing to commit to a long term or a short-term relationship. From the research, I noted that with personality types, people who are willing to commit more to long term relationship are possibly those who have the striving personality. However, those who love to party more may not be able to be interested in the development of relationships.

Hypotheses and the Current Study

            There is a strong possibility that those people who have striving personalities have strong commitment needs to long term relationships, while those who have party personality would most likely like not to commit to long term relationships. Therefore, the study is likely to find a higher index of commitments in the long-term relations among the people with striving personality, and low long-term commitments from the people with party personality. In other words, the study is likely to find out that people with party personality are not interested in having long term relationships that are equally serious.


The method that was used to carry out the analytical model that sim to determine how the personality of the individuals would influence their choice towards sexual commitments in relations can be modeled into experimental research. The methodology needs to consider the participants, the materials, the procedures, and the designer models.

The research study Participants

To achieve the data analytic goals, there were a total of eighty-one (N=81) participants. The recruitment of the participants was based on the pre-determined conditions where they were required to state that they were not yet in marriage, and so would be willing to choose either to go for long term relation or short-term relations. Moreover, the people who were selected to participate in the study had to indicate their personality types. Two key personality types were used in the study including the party type personality and the striving type personality. The following table summarizes the participation level for the different kinds of personalities.

  Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid Striving 36 44.4 44.4 44.4
Party 45 55.6 55.6 100.0
Total 81 100.0 100.0  


Among the eighty-one total participants, there were 36 participants who indicated that they had a striving personality type. This represented 44.4% of all the participants. On the other hand, 45 participants had a party type of personality. This also represented 55.6% of the total respondents. The distributions of the respondents based on the personality type was their average, as no personality type had a higher representation than the other, in a way to create skewed or biased responses and analysis.


The analysis made use of primary data collected from the field. Once the sample was identified, they were approached with the conditions of response. The condition included a description of a female person who had stable academic, financial and social excellence. Therefore, a questionnaire, relevant for the development of a survey model was necessary to be used. The survey model, thus, reflected the needed model for the development of an understanding of how the different personalities would be willing to participate in a long term’s relationship. The survey questions were therefore distributed through a model of submission that was through direct interaction. Therefore, elements of interviews were also included based on the survey questions as the researchers had to make clarifications where the items were not very clear.


The procedure for conducting the research took the form of a survey model. The model aimed at collecting primary data that was also useful in the development of an understanding of the patterns of the responses indicated in the survey questions. The procedure involves the case of a successful young lady who was ready for a long-term relationship. At twenty-three years of age, Lorelei, the gorgeous young lady had achieved sufficient successes and lived in her apartment. She was, however, looking to settle down in a long-term relationship. Then the respondents were given a chance for a speed dating episode with her. They were, therefore, to rate their experience on a scale of between one (1) and seven (7) where one indicated least motivated, and seven indicated most motivated to step in a relationship with Lorelei. The response data was then collected and compiled for analysis. The responses were randomly selected and were given the story independently. Their responses were also independent as they did not influence one another in any way.


The design of the experimental analysis considered the use of the manipulations of the different personality types to inform the kinds of choice that were made on the analytic platform. In one personality type, there were party personalities. In another case, there were striving personalities. Each personality type was useful in the development of a response cluster useful for analysis based on the collective views of the personality type.


The overall impression of the results can be best described using the mean, the median, the standard deviation and the variance as the key items in the data analytics. These are the variable that measures the measures f central tendency. They are useful in showing how much varied the data pints are developed around the fundamental measure like the mean. The following table summarizes the measures of central tendency as analyzed from the study results.

  Personality Motivation
N Valid 81 81
Missing 0 0
Mean 1.5556 3.7407
Std. Deviation .50000 1.67166
Variance .250 2.794
Skewness -.228 -.054
Std. Error of Skewness .267 .267
Kurtosis -1.998 -.821
Std. Error of Kurtosis .529 .529


The total number of participants was 81. The mean, standard deviation and the variation for both categories of personality and motivation levels that the respondents indicated showed that no variability could cause outliers. All the figures suggest that the data is evenly distributed around the mean, thus depicting a normal distribution curve. Moreover, the data indicate that the skewness is near zero (-.228 and -.054 for personality and motivation respectively), meaning there is no analytic data bias.

To prove that personality type would be a critical factor that influences the level of motivation to enter into a relationship, a t-statistical test for the hypothesis is useful in the analysis. In this case, a 2-tailed t-test would be ideal in analyzing the influences that would develop in both instances of personality types. There is always a strong belief that the party type of personality would not choose to settle in a serious long-term relationship, but the striving personality would. Therefore, the following table shows the t-statistic for the analysis of the data. I predicted that party type personality would not choose to have a long-term relationship, but the striving type of personality would. Overall, 10 people with party personality rated their motivation to date Lorelei as 1 whole there was zero (0) among those with striving personality. Generally, more people with party personality rated their motivation as low (1-3) among the party personality and more [people with striving personality stated the chances of dating Lorelei as high. The following crosstab summarizes the answer

Personality * Motivation Crosstabulation
  Motivation Total
1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00
Personality Striving 0 1 2 7 17 5 4 36
Party 10 10 12 8 4 1 0 45
Total 10 11 14 15 21 6 4 81


The results were got under independent sample t-test where there is a significant effect of one’s motivation into serious dating. It was a case of where (t (-44.0) =-2.444, p=0.00, d= 0.5 for the t-statistic measure. Notable, the research yields M=3.700.0, SD=1.6711, N=81 for motivation and M=1.55556.0, SD=0.5000, N=81 for the 2 -tailed t-test analysis. The following is a summary of the research statistic analysis.

Figure 1. Mean motivation ratings based on personality on a 1 to 7 scale where higher numbers indicated more delicious.


Is it possible that the personality type can influence the level of motivation that a person can have towards developing a long term relationship? Well, according to the analysis, this assertion that a person can develop their choices based on the level of motivation they have is possible to achieve because more people who have the party personality do not want to settle into a long-term stable relationship with Lorelei. Moreover, those with striving personality want to a stable and long-term relationship with Lorelei. Therefore, the prediction I had about the topic was confirmed. This is why those who love to engage in the endless drinking clubs and with friends in the name of partying do not want to get married. However, the focused groups like the intellectuals would like to settle down into a stable relationship with Lorelei. Therefore, the hypothesis is confirmed through the analysis.



            The number of people involves in the study were few and therefore, making general conclusions based on decisional needs in the industry may not be accurate. Moreover, the kind of manipulation applied may not be strong enough to warrant independent decision-making platform. In addition, the factors that might motivate a person to a stable relationship might be varied, and they may not be narrowed down to two personality types.

Future Directions

Future research studies can be undertaken, not through a survey model, but through an experimental model to confirm this knowledge. This would allow the researchers a better way to manipulate results and check the variability through the analysis. Moreover, such future studies should look into the core causes of the problem.




Appendix: Survey Questions

  1. What is your gender
  2. What is your age
  3. What is your personality type?
  4. On a scale of 1-7 where, 1 being least motivated and 7 being most motivated, rate your level of motivation to enter into a relationship with Lorelei