The Monks of Hangzhou

The Monks of Hangzhou


The interaction with ancient Chinese culture has facilitated a platform where people are in a position to interact with traditions that have been passed down for generations. Such traditions include that of the Buddhist which is sacred and preserved was of life, and this has become one of the references of ancient traditions which have been kept in modern society. The journey offered through the extract “The Monks of Hangzhou” highlights the coexistence of ancient Chinese cultures and the contemporary society which is upheld by the Buddhist community. The excerpt opens the doors for a sneak preview of the ancient ways to facilitate the understanding of the transitions to modern life and analysis through constructive responses.

My personal experience with interactions with people of different cultures allows me to relate with the author where they suggest “A scene of no deliberate design, it far surpassed in beauty the mansions and villas on Yu Yuan Road in Shanghai”(Chapman and Tam 621). From the description offered by the author, it is evident for the audience to wonder what inspires such societies to focus on restoration as opposed to commercialization following the dynamics of the world. For instance, the author takes the audience into their interaction with the Buddhist community who appear contended with their ways while they still allow interactions with visitors keen on learning their ways(Chapman and Tam). With such a platform for mingling, the question of diversity and steadfast commitment to one’s traditional methods is one that is intriguing and beyond basic understanding.

I agree with the author’s description that the structure left on the side of West lake can be construed as an abomination to the beautiful scenery and the following comparison of the building as a “sore on the face of a beautiful woman” (Chapman and Tam 622). The question that lies in this analysis is if beauty is associated with the attractiveness of a woman, is mankind the greatest threat to its natural wellbeing? The serene environment associated with West lake is filled with transcending beauty where there are harmony and peaceful coexistence. However, the author later offers to explain that the ugly building was as a result of an exhibition that was left and it is viewed as a commemorative hall. From this explanation, we can establish that despite man’s desire to interact with nature, there is the likelihood of affecting the natural balance and the memorable scenery.

“Though vegetarianism is in theory quite conducive to good health, I had yet to see a monk with a ruddy complexion” (Chapman and Tam 624). Does the ancient Buddhist culture clash with the modernized theories of life provided by science? Focusing on the description offered by the author where they mention the level of malnutrition brought about by the Buddhist culture(Chapman and Tam 624), this opens the door for the analysis whether in some cases, modernization needs to be integrated with culture. Take the matter of celibacy which is not only practiced by the Buddhist but can be seen in structured religious institutions such as the Catholic Church. In the later, we have seen a rise in cases of molestation allegations, whereas recent research has suggested that sex is healthy and very important for humans. Therefore, should ancient cultures and beliefs pave the way for the amalgamation of practices to ensure its continued existence?


The question that lies in the extract “The Monks of Hangzhou” is based on the existence of culture in its natural habitat and the ability to offer a platform to bring together modern and ancient beliefs with the aim of survival. The Chinese culture, in this case, Buddhist, is the pillar of thriving ancient traditions. The question is whether an amalgamation of ideas will erode the beliefs or ensure its continued adaptation.

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