The Factors that Lead to Growth of Fitness Membership in China

The Factors that Lead to Growth of Fitness Membership in China

3.0          Research Methodology

  • Introduction

The purpose of this chapter is to offer a highlight of the epistemological perspective adopted in the study. There is a highlight of the philosophical stance, suitable research techniques/ methods, research strategies, and research ethics. Research ethics ensures that there is the upholding of the confidentiality of the researches and that al processes are done ethically.

  • Research Design

In any research processes, there is the need to adopt a research design that aids in the controlling of extreme variables that may have significant impacts on the study. Research design has the benefit of laying out ways, how and where the study will take place (Huberman and Miles, 2009). On the other hand, a research design serves the role of answering both the research hypothesis and the research questions. The study will employ a quantitative research method.

  • Positivism Philosophy

The following study will employ questionnaires interviews in the data collection thus implying that it will adopt the positivism philosophy.  The positivism notes that reliable information is one that is attained through sense observation and also contains measurements. It implies that positivism wholly relies on the results of quantifiable surveys. It implies that all reliable theories must be based on viable philosophies of science (Schonlau et al. 2001).  In this case, positivism aims to determine the law that has led to the shift among the Chinese individuals. It is worth noting that the method allows for the collection of vast data that aids in having more conclusive findings.

  • Research Approach
    • Deductive and Inductive

While the deductive method is linked to positivism, it is worth noting that the inductive method is linked to intreprevistim.  The deductive method is explained as being from the top-down method. It implies that it moves from the theory to a hypothesis or other empirical findings.  On the other hand, the inductive method moves from specific to general. It implies that there is a verification of assumptions through researches and observations.

The deductive method can be defined as being more useful in both the generation and analysis of data. The argument rests on the fact that the authenticity of the conclusion can be guaranteed as long as the deductive argument is true. Moreover, there is the view that the inductive method is poorly organized and thus may create some hurdles in the analysis of scientific information. The deductive method will allow for the equal analysis of past research studies on the topic.

  • Quantitative and Qualitative

The study will seek to employ both qualitative and quantitative methods. While  Qualitative methods concern itself with the comprehension of phenomena from a held perception, the quantitative method adopts both a positivist stance and deduction method as it mainly deals with the measurement of different research questions.  The collected data is thus used to either support or rebut the hypothesis. Nonetheless, it is critical to note that the positivist approach is inclined to the quantitative research method.

Through the incorporation of the quantitative method, the research will employ statistical methods to determine the reliability and the validity of the research (Robson, 2003). These methods help determine the accuracy of the study and determine if the findings can be applied in studying the general population. In this case study, there is the inclusion of methods that aid in the monitoring of both behaviors and attitudes.  Findings from this study method are often seen as being accurate and conclusive and can thus be used to either reject or support a hypothesis.



  • Research Strategy

The strategy that is employed in this study is a questionnaire structured interviews. In most cases, quantitative studies tend to employ closed-ended questions and preordained methods in data collection processes. These approaches are used in both the collection of data and verification of the findings. A survey is ideal in conducting the study as it allows for the managing of a large population within a limited time frame. The purpose of this study is to explain the reason that has led to a high number of Chinese individuals that have joined fitness clubs. Recent research trends have also incorporated the use of online surveys where there is the sending of the questionnaires to the respondents via online platforms. Moreover, many online survey tools allow for the conducting of studies across a wide region without increasing the budget. It is worth noting that many of the online surveys are conducted to determine consumer trends.

It is worth noting that there has been an increase in the number of individuals using internet platforms.  The adoption of online surveys is largely linked to its flexibility as compared to other methods. In this case study, it is useful as there is an analysis of the trends in a larger geographic region.  Moreover, the respondents remain anonymous during the processes thus minimizing any conflicts of interest. It is possible to include a large sample size in the study thus making the findings more accurate and conclusive (Easterby et al. 2008).

  • Data Collection

The data collection process is of great importance in any research projects. The primary techniques of data collection techniques are secondary and primary data. The following study employs both secondary and primary data collection techniques (Ritchie and Lewis, 2013). Primary data is the first information that is collected by the researcher. On the other hand, there will be the inclusion of secondary data from past studies. The inclusion of the two techniques offers research with rich and unbiased information that is critical in making conclusive and accurate findings.

In large cases, survey research employs questionnaires, interviewing and observation. In this case, there will be the application of questionnaires that will feature both open and closed questions.  A questionnaire is an ideal structured tool that allows the researcher to collect different information and opinions of the respondents. It further aids in the collection of primary data which is critical in understanding the current trends. The argument rests on the fact that secondary data may fail to capture the recent trends (Elkatawneh, 2016). Due to technological innovations and integration, there are rapid developments in different aspects of human life.

  • Non-Probability Sampling

The studying of an entire population may prove to be unattainable. The argument rests on the fact that it would lead to huge costs, time wastage and also makes it hard to capture all essential aspects of the entire population. The non-probability method is ideal for mixed methods, quantitative or qualitative research. Contrary to being used in an entire population, the quantitative method is used in a sample group.  Sampling saves cost and time and effectively captures the aspects of a large population through the sample group. The following quantitative study will incorporate an equal number of male and female participants. Additionally, there will be the inclusion of both self-selected and snowball sampling. Self-Selection sampling is widely done through the posting of the questions to online platforms such as Facebook. The study mainly targeted individuals below the age of fifty years as they tend to have a high tendency of engaging in physical activities. There is an equal attempt to determine the factors that influence participation in fitness activities. Such factors include changing lifestyles, the risk of contracting chronic health conditions, improved financial status, health awareness levels, and other factors.


  • Research Ethics

The research process is based on a detailed consideration of ethical values such as the confidentiality of the participants and the presentation of unbiased findings (Malhotra, 2000). Before the conducting of the interviews and surveys, the participants will be briefed on the policies, procedures and the objectives of the study. There will be the inclusion of a consent form which will be accessible to the respondents before answering any questions. The selection of the participants is unbiased, free from any external pressure or manipulation (DeVault, 2017). The presentation of data will remain unbiased and accurate in line with the study objectives. The research has also ensured that it does not have any adverse impacts on either the participants or other society members. The research is equally conducted in line with the set of institutional guidelines and learning objectives.





Elkatawneh, H. (2016). Comparing Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches. SSRN Electronic Journal.

Easterby-Smith, M., Thorpe, R., and Jackson (2008) Management Research: An Introduction,

3rd edition, LA: SAGE.

DeVault, G. (2017). Here’s What to Know About Deductive and Inductive Market Research. [online] The Balance. Available at: versus-inductive-2296727 [Accessed 28 Nov. 2017].

Malhotra,N.K.,Birks,D.F.(2000)“MarketingResearchAnAppliedApproachEuropeanEdition “. Pearson Education Ltd. Harlow.England.

Ritchie, J., Lewis, J., McNaughton Nicholls, C., Ormston, R., (2013). Qualitative Research Practice: A Guide for Social Science Students and Researchers, SAGE.

Robson, C. (2003). Real World Research: A Resource for Social Scientists and Practitioner-Researchers, Oxford: Blackwell Publishers Ltd.


Schonlau, M., Fricker, R.D. Jr and Elliott, M.N. (2001), Conducting Research Surveys via EMail and the Web, Rand Corporation, Santa Monica, CA.

Huberman, A.and Miles, M.(2009).The qualitative researcher’scompanion.4thed.Thousand Oaks [u.a.]: SagePubl.