Name of The Product: The concept Device
What it does: product perform multiple tests
1- Ovulation
2- Estrogen level
3- Pregnancy
4- STDs detection
The purpose of the product is to help women to understand their health status in relation to fertility and certain chronic conditions and seek early treatment. The Concept Device is a breakthrough that will revolutionize the medical industry in ways that are far beyond our expectation .No such device has been on the market before.
STDs Testing
Sexually transmitted disease (STD) prevalence in the United States are at a record high since for over six years in a row (CDC, 2019). For instance, over 2.3 million cases of gonorrhea, chlamydia, and syphilis were reported in 2017. The most common type of sexually transmitted disease in the United States is Chlamydia with over 1.7 million incident rates in 2018. The rate of syphilis cases has also increased by over 76% since 2013 (CDC, 2019). The cases of gonorrhea have also increased by over 67% since 2013 (CDC, 2019). Therefore, STDs are a severe health concern facing current America (CDC, 2019). Many cases of syphilis, gonorrhea continue to go undiagnosed. Majority of victims fear to go for STDs test or unaware that they have contacted the disease (CDC, 2019). Untreated STDs such as gonorrhea and chlamydia put women at a higher risk for a pelvic inflammatory condition that can cause chronic pelvic pain, possibly a dangerous ectopic pregnancy and infertility. Every year in the United States over 20,000, women with undiagnosed STDs become infertile (CDC, 2019). Hence, this newly proposed product.
The concept Device will help women take STDs tests at home without having to move to the hospital, especially will help those women who are still unaware that they have contacted the disease and the symptoms are yet to surface. Besides, it will eliminate the depression and fear associated with women who engaged in unprotected sex, have multiple partners or a new partner or for some reasons worried; she has been exposed to STDs. Early diagnosis is key to preventing the spread of STDs. It has been reported that a more elaborate community education, as well as outreach together with better screening as well as treatment practices from healthcare practitioners such as taking detailed sexual histories from patients as well as testing for STIs using a more rigorous techniques than just a simple urine test, may assist get STDs prevalence under control. The Concept Device is a state-of-art tool that is portable and can easily be used by women to find out their health status. In addition to testing for STDs, the tool can be used to test for pregnancy, to show whether the woman is ovulating, and testing for the hormone level.
This device is quite simple to use; however, is most accurate and can easily test for the presence of STDs, hormone level, ovulating, and pregnancy. Since the majority of sexually transmitted diseases either fail to show signs or symptoms or they produce mild sins that may go unnoticed and consequently the majority of infected individuals are unaware they require medical care. Therefore, the device will help women with new STDs infection to promptly getting medical care thus avoiding cases of infertility. Being a unique device one of its kind in the market and since it is more affordable, it will revolutionize the market. The product ability to measure four critical tests at one go makes it an exclusive product that will help American healthcare to prevent the spread of certain diseases.
Pregnancy Testing
Getting pregnant for some women has not been an easy concept, and therefore the Concept Device provides the easiest and quickest ways to get pregnant. Having an idea of whether you are ovulating can increases your chances of getting pregnant. Relying on ovulation symptoms, which is the most common practice in most cases, is infective since ovulation symptoms vary from one woman to another with certain women not experience any symptoms at all. The Concept Device fills in this gap, by making the woman know her ovulation status within no minute and this can increase her chances of becoming pregnant. The Concept Device identifies the ovulation date 12-18 hours in advance by analyzing the LH (luteinizing hormone) level, as well as the estrogen level hence making the tool the most accurate.
Estrogen hormone testing
This technologically advanced equipment also tests also measure the three forms of estrogen hormone level that is Estrone (E1), Estradiol (E2), and Estriol (E3). The levels of Estrogen considered healthy or normal depending on your gender or age. For women, pregnancy might influence estrogen levels. Menstrual cycles can also affect the level of estrogen. Low or high levels of a particular type of estrogen though are not enough to diagnose your condition. But it can be used as an alert or a critical signal you see a medical doctor for further tests and diagnosis. By revealing the levels of Estrone (E1), Estradiol (E2), and Estriol (E3, it helps to establish the cause of a symptom. High levels of E2 or E1 could imply tumors in women and girls ovaries, and early puberty in girls. High levels of E1 and E2 could also suggest Cirrhosis, hyperthyroidism, and tumors in the adrenal glands. High levels of E3 in pregnant women imply labor will occur soon. Low levels of estrogen can hint to several conditions such as eating disorder, failing pregnancy (low E3), poorly functioning ovaries, low pituitary hormones levels, and Turner syndrome. By accurately testing the level of all types of estrogen in the body, it provides a better platform for women to improve their health by seeking early treatment for any potential condition that might adversely affect their health.
This new product uses the urine sample to test for pregnancy, hormone level, ovulation, and STDs. It is more convenient and friendly to nearly every woman especially those who fear to see their blood. The primary function of this product is to act as what I might term as a signal to prompt you to see your doctor for a further medical test and early treatment for various conditions which if left untreated for a long period of time can adversely affect women’s lives. Even though there are many products in the market that can conduct the above tests, the Concept Device is an exception since it performs multiple tests for different conditions at once and saves the time to perform all these tests differently. The price of each device is affordable and is re-usable. Each device will cost about $ 49 and can be used for one year. Unlike pregnancy tests, hormonal tests, STDs tests, or ovulation test that cost about $29 per single test, this proposed kit can be used severally with maximum accuracy.
The product has been tested and proven to be very accurate and with no side effects to the user. It will help reduce the rising cases of STDs, increases the chances of women who want get pregnant, helps pregnant women to know whether they need urgent medical help or not, and help them know their pregnancy status. The advantage of the product is that it is affordable, simple to use, portable, accurate (about 99.999%), and only uses urine sample. It can easily be found in the chemistry and healthcare facility. Has no side effects, and is re-usable.
CDC. (2019). Retrieved from