Question one
The decrease in the number of computer programming jobs in 2000 was advantageous to America. Foreigners did most of these jobs. When they decreased, the overall number of high paying jobs increased, which were majorly done by the domestic people. Additionally, the wages of Americans in the computer industry also increased. This implies that a decrease in computer programming jobs gave Americans a more significant opportunity to dominate the computer industry.
Question two
Tariffs in America will prevent the importation of commodities from other nations. As a result, these will hence significant impacts on American jobs. All the production of goods and services will be done locally. As a result, the output will increase to cater for the domestic needs of the company. This will call for more people to be hired to take part in the production process. This implies that tariffs will protect American jobs, by creating more employment opportunities in the country.
Question three
The argument that a quota is not a tariff is not correct. They are all ways used by the government to discourage imports and encourage domestic production. A tariff is a form of tax imposed on foreign goods to ensure that most of the goods are produced domestically. On the other hand, a quota is a limitation on the quantity of a product which can be purchased from other countries, and hence it aims to ensure that commodities purchased are produced domestically. This implies that a quota is a form of a tariff.
Question four
Protectionism shields domestic industries through imposing taxes on imports. It has significant impacts on product quality and innovation. When all the goods to be used in a country are produced domestically, domestic producers are encouraged to innovate. There is no excess competition from imports. The innovation helps to improve the quality of goods and services produced in the country. The domestic firms strive to take the positions of imports in the market.
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