Following the win of the referendum to have the United Kingdom leave the European Union, there are a lot of issues that came up prompting a huge among countries which are members of the European Union. Although the referendum was passed, it has not been easy for Brexit to happen, because are many issues are still delaying the process. The primary problem is whether the UK will stay in a single market with the same customs unions or set new arrangements with the EU countries. Brexit which is to happen in March has involved a lot of issues which have delayed it from happening, as demonstrated in its impact on the EU and the UK, some of the winners and losers, suggestions on how to make the process a success and its benefits to the UK
Brexit will result in the reduction of capital inflow and production in the United Kingdom. The European Union accounts for nearly 60% of the United Kingdom trade and since Brexit mean that the binding economic relationship between the twenty-seven members of the European Union will be no more. This will drastically affect trade between Britain and the member countries of the European Union. According to a report by the international monetary fund even if Britain goes trade agreement with the European Union, its sales will still be adversely affected which will result in the reduction of the country’s GDP
The UK has been the major contributor to the EU, and Brexit will result in a decrease in funding that has facilitated the running of its operations. Although the likely effects depend on the on whether Britain will establish trade ties with the EU or it will negotiate trade terms with individual countries. Moreover, Brexit is expected to impact the UK the most as compared to the EU. Most of the primary market of the British products is the European Union, and if the UK decides to form other trade relations with individual member countries in the EU. The terms are likely not to favour Britain’s trading relations, and this will affect trade with the UK and consequently low capital inflow and unemployment. If the two institutions decide to stay in a single market and maintain the customs, then the economy of the UK will not be hit that much
The first winner of the Brexit is the EU, Britain is agreeing to abide by some rules of the, and the judgments that come as a result of being a member of the European Union. Increase trade ties and customs are maintained between the two institutions then the beneficiaries will be the European union. This will it continue to pay for access to the EU market and other security arrangements. The other beneficiaries will be investors who have shares in the overseas company in case the no deal Brexit happens, because the sterling will fall making individuals with foreign stocks to benefit. Although the mentioned winners are based on the current situation of Brexit, the beneficiaries will depend on the steps that two institutions will take after Brexit
The losers in the Brexit are the UK taxpayers who will have to foot the outstanding liabilities that they owe the European Union. According to by the Treasury legal advisors, Britain will have to pay the debts whether there is a deal or no deal. Moreover, if no agreement is struck between the two institutions, then the EU citizens living in the UK will have a reason to worry about their rights and freedoms. Thirdly, the no deal Brexit would mean that the UK’s trade with the EU would be on world organisation terms and this would result to the rise of trade tariffs and customs checks between the two institutions.
The British prime minister, Theresa May, should ensure that the ongoing negotiations between Britain and the European Union are successful. The prime minister should focus on forming a single united coalition to address the issue of Brexit adequately. During the negotiations, she put into consideration all the parties that are likely to be affected by Brexit. Consider the plight of these parties will ensure that the deal that is arrived leads to benefits and not the challenges that are anticipated to occur. Brexit is not a bad thing, but its impact will be determined by whether the UK settles on a deal or no deal. In case there will be a deal, then the benefits will be much as opposed to challenges. For instance, Brexit opens the policymaking that was off-limits for an extended period
In conclusion, the issues surrounding Brexit, have been the reason why the process has taken so much to happen. Although there are anticipated effects on both the EU and British, they would depend on whether the two institutions will settle or a deal or not. The issue under is whether the UK will stay in the Single market and maintain the customs or it decide on an individual agreement with the member countries. Theresa May should ensure that the negotiations that are to happen are successful so that no parties end being victims to the anticipated economic and social constraints of Brexit
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