The Banquet

The banquet is a scene in a fairytale about a King named Gnouillon. The king was to marry an Archduchess. Witold Gombrowicz blows up the standard rules and style. He openly brings out the orthodox tale, which discloses a charge of grotesque.

Instead of putting across morals, the tale of a banquet is used as a platform by the greedy, ugly prince to put forward hypocrisy present in his court. The members of the court desired to conceal his noble associates and entrap him in his societal status. Witold Gombrowicz entwines the regular setting of the story.  The banquet is portrayed as a tale full of ironic embezzlement. Witold uses the banquet as a style where he takes the conventional works of story. The point at which the marriage is broken is full of irony. However, the irony brings a new structure to the grimace.

It was even more absurd how the king desired minute sums as compared to the larger ones. The petty ones were capable of putting him to the rock bottom. Monstrousness thins about the king was that he was not swayed by bribes but by the small tips he attained. Tip to him was like offering a sausage to a dog. To the surprise of many was what the king did during the banquet he licked his lips inconspicuously. There was great shame in his face. This disgusted the Archduchess greatly that she gave out a subdued disgust cry.

The tale is full of satire throughout. A king is expected to be the role model of all. Everyone in the kingdom looks up to him for guidance and morals. As well, during such an auspicious event the king is supposed to be on his best behavior. However, this is not what was portrayed in the scene.