The article on the graduate student understanding of research in master education

The article on the graduate student understanding of research in master education

The article on the graduate student understanding of research in master education programs gives the guidelines on how teacher education programs can be developed from a professional perspective (Louise R. MOULDING and Kristin M. HADLEY, 2010). This article describes the differences between a graduate education program for a professional teacher and the other research works. It shows the different points that are important when they are researching becoming teachers. This article intends to examine the differences that exist in various educational research. This research concludes that their strategies of addressing the concerns about student research are quite difficult to implement due to the long-held beliefsby the teachers. Chapter 8 of the other article analyses different methods that can be used to interpret and analyze qualitative data (Creswell, 2012). This chapter focuses on the understanding that people must have before they can analyze or interpret data that have been collected. This chapter is important for any researcher as it shows them the best strategies for analyzing the most complex data in education. It also shows various steps that research have to go through before undertaking research as well as the cards that are used in building descriptions and various things. These two concepts apply to an educator and a researcher as they act as guidelines of analyzing and it approaching educational data. Organizing data means developing various tables that can make it easier for a researcher to make meaning of the data that have been collected. Important to the career of an educator as they will know some of the best methods that can be used to interpret data such as developing them into tables for easy interpretation.



Louise R. MOULDING and Kristin M. HADLEY(2010):Graduate Students’ Understanding of Educational ResearchWeber State University, USA9(2), 302.

Creswell, J. W. (2012). Educational research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research (4th ed.). Boylston Street, Boston: Pearson.


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