Technology is one of the essential tools used in the development in the world and more specifically the United States. Access to Technology is a very critical priority to the users, but it should not be considered as a human right. Technology can be used in the right way and can also in the wrong direction. There should be some limits as to how it’s used to avoid the adverse effects it brings to the society, for instance, cyber-crime, therefore, it should not be considered as a human right. Technology has brought about a lot of benefits both economically, politically and socially but some of its negative uses have resulted to adverse damage to the community, for instance, immoral literature a fact that it should not be perceived as a human right.
The less advantaged individuals in the US and throughout the world should be guaranteed access to technology as a means to close the digital divide. Because when the less advantaged people access the technology, they can do precisely what is done by the other people. A particular class of people should not use technology, but all the people should use it irrespective of their status. The use of technology by the less developed people will allow them to develop the economy of the US and the world in a big way because it’s possible for them to use technology to do activities which they cannot do manually.