Teaching two patients about Self management in diabetic condition (Type 2)

Teaching two patients about Self management in diabetic condition (Type 2)

Teaching and Learning Writing Assignment


Option A: Reflect on a teaching activity that you have undertaken for either a patient, their family, or a fellow student, and critically

analyse the session. You will be expected to reflect on a particular aspect of teaching and learning theory within the session, and

how you evaluated (or could have evaluated) the session using a quality measure.

If you developed any resources as part of the session you should include them in an appendix.


Option B: Propose a teaching activity that you could undertake for either a patient, their family, or a fellow student, and critically

analyse how the session will be planned and delivered. You will need to discuss how a particular aspect of teaching and learning

theory will be incorporated into the session, and also how you will evaluate the session using a quality measure.

You will need to include your teaching plan in an appendix.


The word count (for both option A and B) is limited to 2,500 words.



Guidance on the written assessment is stated below. The following tables have been created to help in developing the assignment.

Please find further instructions within the Moodle Assignment Folder and your MoodleHandbook.



Confidentiality: please do NOT use the name patients, staff, the Trust or the ward/department in your work. Pseudonyms are acceptable, but

please state that they you are using them and refer to the NMC code

















Option A: Reflection on ateaching activity


Suggested          Possible questions to ask yourself whilst writing    Guidance comments/Considerations

sections and      this assignment. 

word counts


Introducing                                                                                                 Provide an overview of your essay around teaching and learning.

Approx 100-                                                                                                 State the professional teaching / learning concept you will be

150 words                                                                                                     focusing on in your analysis and your aims and objectives for this





Approx 500















Approx 1000



  • Describe what teaching activity you have

undertaken with a rationale for your chosen

subject area (for example was there a

particular aspect of service delivery that you

identified needed to improve).

  • Who were you teaching and why?
  • What was the context? Where did the

teaching activity take place? When did you

undertake it?

  • What were theimportant details of this

teaching session?

  • What were your outcomes in relation to the

implementation of your teaching plan?


Part 1: Teaching / Learning Theory Analysis

  • Introduce the aspect of teaching / learning

theory that you will befocusing on


  • What are the definitions of the concept in the

literature/professional body literature?


  • Critically examine how you designed and

implemented the teaching activity with

reference to discussion of the particular


If you submitted a formative assignment, you’ll already have

feedback and have a good idea of the important/key elements.

These should be your focus.


Early drafts of this section may be too long and need revision.

You will need to be concise.










Examples of theory to focus on:

Adult Learning Theory

Motivational Theory

Learning Styles 

Individual vs group learning (for example Enquiry Based Learning)

Assessment of learning needs before and after the session (ie how

did you check the learning needs of the learner before the session,

and how did you assess whether their learning had been







theory that you are focusing on


  • Critically appraise the facilitating and

hindering factors impacting on the chosen

teaching approach


Part 2: Evaluation of activity


  • How did you evaluate your teaching and why

(this may be informal and / or formal)? Would

an alternative evaluation approach have

been useful?


  • What evidence and quality measures did you

use (or could have used) to demonstrate an

impact on service improvement?


Demonstrating your analytical skills and use of literature attracts

higher grades. Click herefor resources including the ‘Be more

critical’ guide.


Consider barriersto teaching and learning practice.


You must use the literature/professional body literature to support

your considerations. Reference where you are drawing on these

published sources.


Remember that you may need to look towards education

databases and literature, rather than purely health care resources.




Discussion               ●    What, if anything, has changed about your         It is important to link your analysis back to practice.

and Learning                 understanding of the teaching / learning

Approx 750                      theory you have focused on?                              Try to be explicit about what you have learnt from completing this

words                         ●    How will your learning impact on your future      analysis and how it will impact on your future practice.

carewith patients / families or teaching fellow

students and staff? If you repeated the               Check the grading grid to make sure you have demonstrated the

session would you change anything on the         criterion that isrequired.

basis of greater understanding of teaching /

learning theory?




Conclusion              ●    Critically reflect on your knowledge and skills    Bring your work to a logical conclusion and demonstrate your

Approx 100-                    gained from delivering this session to support     awareness of why life-long learning is important in nursing.

150 words                        learning in practice                                               Leave the reader with a clear idea of the key point/s from your







Option B: Proposal of a teaching activity




Suggested          Possible questions to ask yourself whilst writing    Guidance comments/Considerations

sections and      this assignment. 

word counts


Introducing                                                                                                 Provide an overview of your essay around teaching and learning.

Approx 100-                                                                                                 State the professional teaching / learning concept you will be

150 words                                                                                                     focusing on in your analysis and your aims and objectives for this



Describing               ●    Describe what teaching activity you plan to        If you submitted a formative assignment, you’ll already have

Approx 500                      undertake with a rationale for your chosen         feedback and have a good idea of the important/key elements.

words                               subject area (for example is there a particular    These should be your focus.

aspect of service delivery that you have

identified needs to improve)?                              Early drafts of this section may be too long and need revision.

  • Who will you be teaching and why?                   You will need to be concise.
  • What is the context? Where will the teaching

activity take place? When will you undertake


  • What will be the important details of this

teaching session?

  • What are your outcomes in relation to the

implementationof your teaching plan?




Analysing                       Part 1: Teaching / Learning Theory Analysis      Examples of theory to focus on:

Approx 1000              ●    Introduce the aspect of teaching / learning         Adult Learning Theory

words                               theory that you will be focusing on                      Motivational Theory

Learning Styles 

  • What are the definitions of the concept in the Individual vs group learning (for example Enquiry Based Learning)





literature/professional body literature?


  • Critically examine how you have designed

and how you will implement the teaching

activity with reference to discussion of the

particular theory that you are focusing on


  • Critically appraise the facilitating and

hindering factors that may impact on the

chosen teaching approach


Part 2: Evaluation of activity


  • How will you evaluate your teaching and why

(this should ideally be informal and formal)?


  • What evidence and quality measures will you

use to demonstrate an impact on service



Assessment of learning needs before and after the session (iehow

did you check the learning needs of the learner before the session,

and how did you assess whether their learning had been



Demonstrating your analytical skills and use of literature attracts

higher grades. Click herefor resources including the ‘Be more

critical’ guide.


Consider barriers to teaching and learning practice.


You must use the literature/professional body literature to support

your considerations. Reference where you are drawing on these

published sources.


Remember that you may need to look towards education

databases and literature, rather than purely health care resources.




Discussion               ●    What, if anything, has changed about your         It is important to link your analysis back to practice.

and Learning                 understanding of the teaching / learning

Approx 750                      theory you have focused on?                              Try to be explicit about what you have learnt from completing this

words                         ●    How will your learning impact on your future      analysis and how it will impact on your future practice.

care with patients / families or teaching fellow

students and staff?                                              Check the grading grid to make sure you have demonstrated the

criterion that isrequired.



Conclusion              ●    Critically reflect on your knowledge and skills    Bring your work to a logical conclusion and demonstrate your

Approx 100-                    gained from planning this session to support       awareness of why life-long learning is important in nursing.

150 words                        learning in practice                                               Leave the reader with a clear idea of the key point/s from your
