Teaching Review

Teaching Review

Teaching Strategies

While doing a presentation on understanding emotions,Michael Trexler utilizesa case study technique. He starts the presentation by showing a video which he refers to throughout the demonstration.While doing a presentation on the use of BDI to measure depression, Julianna Jarvis, uses the thinking pair-share strategy. She gives the participants a set of questions to discuss in groups of two.

Elements Used in the Videos

The video byMichael Trexlershows how students are given anaudiovisual on the main topic, and they are made to break down what goes on in it concerning the topic of discussion. In the video byJulianna Jarvis, the learners are also offered with a paper to interpret what they have studied and answer questions(Krathwohl, 2002). This is an instrumental way of understanding whether the learners have understood what they learned or not.

Adult Learning Theory Elements

In Michael’svideo, the element of retention can be witnessed where he has taken measures to guarantee maximum comprehension among the students. This is visible through the discussions that take place, andthe numerous questions that he asks the learners. The element of motivation is also evident where, at the beginning of Julianna’s video, learners are offered with clear objectives of the lesson and are told the main reason as to why they are supposed to get acquainted with it (Weobong, n.d.).

Learning Objectives

While the learning objectives in Michael’s presentation were not outlined, the ones on Julianna Jarvis lecture were more focused on the upper levels of Bloom’s taxonomy. The learning objectives help the students in understanding the use of BDI in measuring depression, and to be able to administer the BDI test. The learners were first taught about the concept, and they were expected to remember the key points on the topic. The learners were then taken through a task to see whether they had understood it or not. The learning objectives in Julianna’s presentation were clear and concise; Michael Trexler, on the other hand, should have pointed out the purposes of the display to make the goals clear for the learner.


During the lessons, the students were asked questions on the application of what they had learned, and it was visible that they had mastered the concepts therein. For instance, after watching the video in Michael Trexler’s presentation, students were asked to describe some of the emotions that they observed in them. I would have also incorporated a similar application procedure and ask the students to give real-life experiences on the lessons (West, Bubenzer, Cox, &McGlothlin, 2013). In Julianna’s presentation, the use of a case study would have been more appropriate to give the students a practical example on the application of BDI.


Michael Trexler was energetic in his presentation. He involved the students throughout the lesson and ensured that the class was lively. Julianna’s , on the other hand, failed in engaging the students, she spent most of the time reading content out for the students without critically looking to see whether the students were concentrating.

Strength, Weaknesses, and Improvement suggestions

Michael Trexler used a highly effective strategy in his presentation. By starting with a video case study, he gives the students a reference point throughout the lesson, and they could refer to it afterward. However, there are no clear learning objectives outlined in the presentation. Julianna Jarvis provides the learners with clear sets of the lesson goals. However, the use of a case study would have served better if the students were given a real-life example.




Krathwohl, D. (2002). A Revision of Bloom’s Taxonomy: An Overview. Theory Into Practice41(4), 212-218. doi: 10.1207/s15430421tip4104_2

Svinicki, M., McKeachie, W. (2014).  McKeachie’s teaching tips:Strategies, research, and

theory for college and university teachers.  Belmont, CA: Cengage Learning.  ISBN:


Weobong, D. The 4 Components of Adult Learning Theory (and Why You Should Know Them).

Retrieved from https://www.eleapsoftware.com/the-4-components-of-adult-learning-theory/

West, J., Bubenzer, D., Cox, J., &McGlothlin (2013).  Teaching in counselor education: Engaging students in learning.  Alexandria, VA: American Counseling Association.  ISBN: 9781556203299.

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