Teaching Methods in Action

Teaching Methods in Action

Birth to Three Activity Plan

OBJECTIVE: Children will be able to follow along either through actions or words to the finger play and story

Ways to differentiate instruction


In meeting the objective of following along and help the children develop association skills, a video can Tbe used like the ” Infants Hold Hands” alongside some toys of boys and girls. Children will be asked to watch the video which shows babies displaying physical acts like eye and hand contact. The children will later make the toys behave the same way they have seen on the video. The toys will help them relate and associate the actions they have seen with those of the toys.


To teach about the association and following along, teachers can use collaborating teaching method and in specific, debriefing(Conner, 2013). The teacher will brief the children on what to do with the toys, and then the teacher watches whether they can follow along with the instructions. Also, the teacher can brief the children on how to follow along and use the illustrations using toys to show how a person can copy content and relate it in a different situation.


Other ways to determine whether children have mastered the art of following along and the association is by observing them when they are free in the field playing children games(Florida Early Learning and Developmental Standards: Birth to Kindergarten, 2017). Through the games, teachers can be able to note whether they can follow along real behaviors and actions in their plays with other children. The way students follow teachers instructions like arranging a class, and their desk can also help to identify whether they have learned the art of following along.


The space selected for the activity is in the classroom. The space supports how students are experiencing the activity because it brings out the atmosphere of an instruction room where children are supposed to do as instructed.

Three to Five-Year Activity Plan

OBJECTIVE:  Children will use number concepts while engaging in a mealtime in dramatic play.


Ways to differentiate instruction


In meeting the objective of different engaging concepts to enhance fluid reasoning, teachers can engage the “Rocking Horse Rumble” but using books and pens where children are asked to try and persuade their fellow students to offer them their pens or books. Using the materials, students will require to reason and create concepts which will help them in persuasion and convincing their colleagues.


Demonstration teaching methods can be used to teach about fluid reasoning and the development of concepts in solving different challengesused(Florida Early Learning and Developmental Standards: Birth to Kindergarten, 2017). Teachers can explain a case where a person was faced with a situation to solve and how they solved it. In such a case, children will be able to learn how to create concepts which can help solve different problems.


To assess whether children have mastered the art of fluid reasoning and creating concepts, teachers can give them complex tasks to carry out (Conner, 2013). The tasks will involve logic to get a solution or the final product. In the task, the degree to which the children can solve the problem is the measure of the depth of the idea of reasoning.


The dramatic play area selected is supportive of how the children experience the activity. The reasoning is like a play where the children will be expected to solve a challenge and also observe as others solve their challenges. Drama employs different concepts, and therefore, the area will impact how the children grasp the idea of reasoning.

School Age Activity Plan

OBJECTIVE: Children will be able to sort and create patterns with found materials

Ways to differentiate instruction


The aim to be met in the plan is that of children being able to sort and design patterns with found materials and develop creativity. Teachers can use An “Animal train” play in the case and the materials needed include some blocks of wood and toy animals. By positioning the toy animals on the train in differentiated order, children will learn the art of creating patterns and creativity.


To learn the concept of pattern creating and creativity, teachers can use demonstrations and collaborative teaching methods(Conner, 2013). It involves the formation of group discussions where every child can participate to have a direct link with the concept. Also, teachers’ demonstration on how to make patterns on a different set of items can attract the children helping them to make connections with the idea taught.  


In assessing creativity, teachers can use outside activities like games to identify whether the children got the concept(Conner, 2013). Game playing calls for creativity to for example score. Teachers can be able to observe those children who can create ideas on how to handle the ball or the colleagues in the game. Teachers can also assign projects to students like making a bird nest or a pet cage to have an attractive appearance.


The space selected is outside the classroom. It supports how the children are experiencing the activity in that the open environment is presenting different ideas and concepts which the children can think of how they form. By thinking about the outside environment and the objects they see, they can be able to develop creativity to come up with more unique objects or manipulate the existing ones.

Conner, C. (2013). “Method for recommending a teaching plan in literacy education.”U.S. Patent No. 8,506,304. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

Florida Early Learning and Developmental Standards: Birth to Kindergarten(2017) Form OEL-SR 15 ( October 2017) Rule 6M-4.700,F.A.C.

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