Teachers and Service Delivery

Teachers and Service Delivery


Based on the readings in the CDE Handbook on Developing & Implementing ECSE Programs, describe the Models of Service Delivery for infants and toddlers age birth to 3 and preschool age children.  Discuss the benefits of inclusive programs and providing services in natural environments. This question assesses performance relative to course objective 2. (4 points)

In the models of service delivery, parents tend to provide an array of settings. The coordinator is normally accorded the responsibility of ensuring that various services in the children’s IFSP have been listed. Few children tend to receive group meetings based on the nature and scope of services accorded by LEA. On various occasions, LEA tends to provide services to children experiencing low-incidence disabilities every year. These early intervention programs help children in their growth and development while building their relationship with the parents.   Teachers and parents ought to work in partnership so that they can offer all the details regarding the children’s needs for the development and growth to be actualized.

In California, there are several service delivery models including

  1. Special day classes
  2. Dual enrollment in special education
  3. Co-enrolled programs in the same class environment
  4. Selected guidelines that are offered to children at home
  5. Special education services that are offered to students enrolled in publicly funded programs.

There are several benefits associated with inclusive programs and provision of services in natural environments. The benefits include:

  1. A higher level curriculum
  2. Development of behavior and social skills
  3. Positive understanding of oneself
  4. Development of friendships
  5. Language use improvement
  6. Learning tolerance among others

In my personal view, special education usually works with the objective of giving students a better chance of living like normal children.  This is attained by offering these children natural environments. Among the service options that might be provided includes gymnastics, play grounds, parent participation program restaurant, adult education, early head start programs and teen parenting programs. Families should receive the service attention while children are at the natural environments since they act as the vital associates in the children’s lives. As the children receive specialized directives, occupational therapy of speech and language directives their chances of playing part in high-quality programs in the society increases.



According to Copple and Bredekamp (2009) in chapter 1 of the DAP text, “To be an excellent teacher means… teaching to enhance development and learning.” (p. 36).  Identify developmentally appropriate strategies for teaching and highlight the relationship of these strategies to the implications for teaching that Vargas (2009) discusses in Chapter 3.  Finally, discuss the role of interpersonal relationships in teaching and learning. This question assesses performance relative to course objectives 3 & 11. (6 points)

For developmentally appropriate teaching strategies, teachers ought to:

  1. Appoint for children’s actions and behavior.
  2. Provide specific feedback as opposed to general ones.
  3. Help students in the completion of their work.
  4. Acknowledge the actions of the children.
  5. Provide children with data like verbal labels, facts and other relevant information.
  6. Demonstrate appreciation when children do something in the appropriate way.
  7. Encourage effort and persistence for activities being undertaken.

The strategies above have relationships to the implication of teaching.

Student Activity

Students ought to observe moral values and characters demonstrated by the teachers and absorb them.

Determining students’ performance

The teachers’ efforts ought to be directed towards students’ performance; where the performance is determined by the conducive environment.

Drive towards outstanding performance

The entire teacher’s effort should aim at maximizing students’ assistance. Students ought to follow the teachers’ directives and advice in return.

Interpersonal relationships play various roles in the school environment.

Teachers and other staffs in the institution

The school environment should bring the teachers, students, and other staff for the sake of improved students’ performance.

Teachers and families

A positive relationship between the parties impacts the student positively since there are eyes on all aspects of the student’s life.

Teachers and students

Creation of a favorable environment in this relationship helps the student to develop in different ways based on the nature of interactions involved.

I think positive relationships between teachers, parents, students and other staff members are important in the school environment. This is because they tend to have positive and long-lasting implications for both students’ social and academic development. The mere act of solely improving these relationships will not result to improved gains in achievement. However, the students that experience close, positive and supportive relationships have the likelihood of attaining higher achievement levels compared to students that experience conflict in their relationships. As a result, teachers and parents ought to galvanize amiable relations with students.


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