Talent Management Initiative

Talent Management Initiative

Talent management is very significant I any organization. Talented leaders for example have a high demand and organizations are always working to maintain their talented leaders. In a talent management initiative, I would emphasize of recruitment, retention, development and transition. It would be important to recruit capable people, develop them and then retain them so that they can transition to higher positions.  The approach to the initiative should be integrated enough to make easier for the organization to hire, engage and develop top talents in the market (Ashton & Morton, 2005). Through the hiring of talented employees, the organization can then be able to develop the talents and transition them.

These areas would not change if I was developing talent for non leaders. This is because talent is talent and every talent is valuable and should be maintained. It is not the leadership positions that require talented employees about all aspects of an organization. There are those people who are talented but cannot be leaders. They require to be developed for their respective roles.  They also need to transition from one role to another and so the development will be important.

Learning and development should not be restricted to job specific learning. Cross training offers a variety of benefits to an organization. First, it offers great flexibility in scheduling which improves operations in an organization. It is also very useful when developing talent for transition. Employs who need to transition to other roles require knowledge of the new roles. In addition, with cross training, it is easy to identify the talent areas of the employees and then help them develop specific areas (Vaiman, Scullion & Collings, 2012).

When developing employees for leadership positions, it is important to do cross training. This is because a leaders needs to know all about all the things running in an organization. One can only direct people to what he/she knows. When the leader is informed of the different aspects of the business, managing them becomes easier.

For organizations to adapt to the ever changing management dynamics, it would be significant to reframe the mental models more often. This can be done by introducing learning techniques such as triple loop, double loop, and single loop learning. Single loop involves learning on the job with the routine performance of tasks; double loop on the other hand involves having a mental model that compares the different tasks with the inefficiencies of task completion. Triple loop involves focusing on finding a relationship between organizational problems and solutions.


Ashton, C., & Morton, L. (2005). Managing talent for competitive advantage: Taking a systemic approach to talent management. Strategic HR Review, 4(5), 28-31.

Vaiman, V., Scullion, H., & Collings, D. (2012). Talent management decision making. Management Decision, 50(5), 925-941.

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