Takata’s Airbag Recall Case

Takata’s Airbag Recall Case

One out of every eight Americans drives a vehicle with a potentially defective airbag. The problem of faulty airbags has caused many deaths in road accidents.Takata, a major parts supplier, has recalled about 70 million units from various automakers which have faulty frontal airbags.The companywas involved in a series of unethical moral conducts in the manufacturing and supply of the faulty airbags which resulted in preventable deaths and injuriesprevented.

The problem started with a decision in Takata’s manufacturingplant in Mexico to allow a defect rate above the acceptable limits. The company authorized a defect rate of 2 faulty airbags for every 50 airbags. The rate was a high risk in manufacturing, but the engineers allowed it. The management destroyed the reports of the tests and proceeded with the production. Takata’s engineers ignored their safety responsibility to the end users of the airbags.

From a previous research test at the Pennsylvania State University, the company was aware that Ammonium Nitrate which is the propellant used contains a risk of explosion. However, the journals were not allowed to relate Takata with the study. The research had concluded that Ammonium Nitrate is very sensitive to pressure changes and therefore dangerous. Consequently, Takata kept these finding from the public which is a violation of ethical values and principles.

However, the firm’s employees were in an ethical dilemma of letting the truth out or staying silent to retain their jobs. Therefore, the management is more responsible for the escalation in deaths from accidents. For instance, the employees conducting safety tests were instructed to destroy the reports by their seniors. Similarly, the firm ordered the journals not to name the Takata as the funding organization of the research on Ammonium Nitrate.

In summary, Takata’s unethical behavior in the manufacture of airbags has caused an increased number of deaths. The company’s engineers allowed a high manufacturing risk of 2 faulty airbags for every 50. Moreover, the firm concealed reports on the explosion risk of Ammonium Nitrate. However, the firm’s employees were compelled to lie to the public about the truth regarding the airbag’s safety.

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