SW-PBS is more about how people tend to interact in different respects. There is more to how people interact with each other than it looks on the face of it. As a result, there are rules that people should follow in the process. There are things that need to be comprehended in order to ensure that the other party feels comfortable. When interacting, there is need to show that you care about the other party and be respectful at all times. Simply put, it is a framework that aims at orderly and safe learning environments in schools while at the same time improving the students’ social-emotional outcomes.
The parents involved in the video seem to have praise for the SW-PBS. They have the belief that it has helped to change their children’s’ behaviors in the right direction. This is due to the positive behavior changes that they have started to exhibit. Teachers, on the other hand, reiterate that SW-PBS encourages them to change their behaviors too. As teachers, they need to lead by example by showing more respect towards the students. The teachers also reiterate that the response towards SW-PBS was quite positive. For the students, they seem to have adopted a slogan for the traits that they are expected to exhibit. This includes caring, citizenship, respect, and responsibility.
SW-PBS has helped in bringing beneficial traits within the school environment. These traits have made it easier for everyone to relate to each other. The learning environment is also conducive due to the positive behavioral practices that everyone in the school tends to uphold. The teacher-student relationship has improved since the teachers have had to adjust their behaviors too.
Central Middle School and San Bernardino City Unified School District have undesirable cultures of dismissal and suspension rates. SW-PBS can help in changing these outcomes since they might be attributed to some unfavorable school conditions. Adoption of positive School-wide behaviors can help in changing the current situation.
The video has helped in learning several aspects including that behavior is something that can be unlearned. When people are presented with a favorable environment and support, they can change the undesirable behaviors that they have adopted, and embrace positive behaviors for long-term positive sustenance. In schools, teachers should lead the way by changing the way they relate with the students, for them to follow in a similar direction.
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