Surveillance in Schools

Surveillance in Schools

  • Hint: This essay is not marked on stating, you must state the theory and link it back to how control or resistance is achieved. Please read instructions carefully.



  • You must write an individual report that is 2000 words in length (not including the bibliography). The report should focus on the same topic selected for your group presentation(Surveillance in Schools)
  •  There are two key elements to this report. Firstly it must provide a description of surveillance activities undertaken by the selected organisation.
  • Secondly, you must use at least four concepts from the lectures (listed under key concepts in the lecture overview list) to explore how the technologies described seek to exert control and are resisted.

Essay Must Include:HD standard

Excellent use of surveillance / criminological theory, showing both a deep understanding of the key arguments as well as an ability to apply the theory as an explanatory framework.  Conceptual thinking expressed effectively.  Effective reflection displaying an ability to critically evaluate the surveillance practices / technologies chosen.  Demonstrates understanding of the broader social, political and economic dynamics within which the chosen surveillance practices / technologies are situated.  Strong evidence of independent reading.  Extensive referencing.


Key concepts/ theory explored during the course

Care and control

Surveillance 2.0



Culture of control


The new penology


Data doubles


Surveillance assemblage

Big data

Surveillance capitalism


The ban-opticon




New surveillance


Light Touch surveillance