Supply Chain of Coca-Cola Company

Supply Chain of Coca-Cola Company

Background of the Firm

The Coca-ColaCompany was invented in the year 1886 by John Pemberton, an American pharmacist. The company manufactures both alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks with the company known for producing mostly non- alcoholic beverages. Besides, it generates over 400 brands of beverages and markets them to over 200 countries and territories worldwide. Its primary product is the famous Coca-Cola product that was first produced in the year 1886 in Atlanta. Its other non-alcoholic beverages include Fanta, diet coke and sprite. The brands are mostly classified under non-alcoholic drinks, waters, juice drinks, and sports drinks.  The company produces only syrup concentration which is then sold to various bottlers with exclusive bottling rights from the company.

The supply chain of Coca-Cola Company

A supply chain is a network that exists between a company and an organization with its suppliers aimed at the production and distribution of the company’s products. Also, it is a representation of the different steps that a company takes to provide its customers with its products and services. The supply chain of Coca-Cola Company is very vital in the operations of the business as it ensures that all the company’s activities are geared towards achieving value chain sustainability and minimizing environmental impacts. In the company, the supply chain is vital in the planning, manufacturing, and procurement processes of the company. According to the supply chain roadmap, there are six generics supply chain models, including efficient, fast, continuous-flow, agile, custom-figured and the flexible supply chain models(Hoet al., 5035). To remain competitive in the market, the Coca-ColaCompany uses the above models to manage its supply chain process. The company uses the efficient supply chain model to maintain competitiveness in the global market. In trying to sell its products faster, the company uses a fast supply chain model to distribute such products. Moreover, the products of the company are always highly demanded by the customers, and thus the continuous-flow model is best to enable the company to meet the needs and high demands of its customers for its products. In most instances, the demand for the products of the company rarely faces seasonal changes, and thus a flexible supply chain model is obsolete for the company(Abdullahet al., 45).

The supply chain management of the company involves five stages. Firstly, the planning stage where the company develops a plan and strategy on how to ensure that its products and services can meet the demands of its customers. The second stage is the developing stage, where the company develops a mutual relationship with the suppliers of the raw materials needed for the production process.  Besides, sourcing of suppliers is also done in this stage. The third stage is the manufacturing stage. In this stage of the supply chain management, the products that are demanded by the customers are produced. The company also ensures that the products are in the right quantity, are well packaged and ready for delivery. The fourth stage is the distribution and delivery stage. The company has various warehouses across the countries in which have been given the bottling and distribution rights. The products are distrusted through the wholesalers and multiple retailers who have the Coca-Cola distribution rights. The last stage is the recycling stage where the customers recycle back the packaging materials of the company such as packaging bottles (Abdullah et al., 23).

Work cited

Abdullah, Ameen, et al. “Operation Management Analysis: Coca-Cola Beverages Pakistan.” (2017).

Ho, William, et al. “Supply chain risk management: a literature review.” International Journal of Production Research 53.16 (2015): 5031-5069.

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