The narrative revolves around a woman, who has come to a new town in pursuit of visiting her son’s (Carlos Centeno) grave. The woman is accompanied by a young girl that seems to be her daughter. However, this is not certain due to the age difference that seems to exist between the two. The distance between where they were coming from and where they were headed to was quite extensive. This is because they passed several towns, and had to stop at some point for refreshments. When they reached their destination, they headed straight to the father. The father kept the keys to the cemetery where their son had been buried. Upon reaching his residence, the father’s sister was reluctant to let them in. She asserted that the father was asleep, and they should wait for some time before he wakes up. However, after realizing that the two had come from far, she showed them the way in. The father narrated to them how their son met his unfortunate death. He was surprised since they did not show any emotions on their faces after he had narrated the story. The father requested the woman to sign some papers before he could give her the keys to the cemetery. This was followed by instructions on how to identify Carlos Centeno’s grave. Individuals within this neighborhood seemed curious regarding the relatives of Carlos. They had gathered around the father’s premises while this woman was inside. The father tried to convince the woman that the weather was very hot, and she should wait until evening before proceeding. She was reluctant and the father’s sister handed her a parasol as they stepped into the street with the young girl.
The setting of this narrative tries to portray a poor society. This is because the woman and the young lady could only afford the third-class section of the train. The room where they met the father is also described as being poor even though it is properly kept. For the characters, the woman seems to be determined. She presses the father’s sister until she prevails. The father seems calm and caring based on how he treats the woman and the young lady. She fears that they will be scorched by the sun if they went to the grave at that time of the day. The father’s sister is generous since she gave the woman a parasol as they went to the graves. The young girl is obedient since she does what the woman instructs her without any questions.
The narrative uses the third person point of view. This is based on the language used all through the narrative. There is presence of he, she among others. Another evidence is based on how all the characters involved have been brought out. All of them seem to be included. It is only the third person point of view that has the ability of attaining such a stance. There is also the presence of the “all knowing” character from the narrator. This is because he seems to understand every setting and character involved. He does this through analysis and observation (Hoffmann &Wolfram, 2010).
The author has chosen the third person point of view due to its advantages and nature of the narrative involved. Among these advantages is that it eliminates any form of bias nature. This is more evident with the first person view point, whereby everything concentrates on the individual narrating the story. It becomes difficult to grasp some aspects regarding some characters. This makes it difficult to view the whole narrative more vividly, hence not grasping the actual theme (Hoffmann &Wolfram, 2010). The character narrating the story might also fail to disclose some of his aspects that might diminish him. Third person point of view also ensures that the individual narrating the story is more objective. This is because he is less emotional and has no personal attachment to the characters involved. The narrator also choose third person point of view due to the setting of the narrative. Different environments have been used and the omniscient aspect of the third person was needed in the narrative.
In conclusion, the theme of the narrative revolves around a woman that moves from one town to the other in pursuit of visiting her son’s grave. As the narrative continues, it is evident on how determined she is in fulfilling her quest. First, she forced the father’s sister to let her in even though she was reluctant. The woman would also not accept the idea of waiting until evening to visit her son’s grave once the sun had cooled down. My personal response to the narrative is that the author has done a favorable job in the characterization aspect. Based on the narrative’s setting, all the characters seem to fit in very well. Using the third person point of view also seems to be very informed. This is because all the characters in the narrative have been addressed sufficiently. The omniscient aspect has also been effective due to the different environments involved in the narrative.
Work Cited
Márquez, Gabriel García . “Tuesday Siesta.” 1.1 (1962): 5. Print.
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