Summary of Jewish Revolt against Rome

Summary of Jewish Revolt against Rome

This Jewish revolution against Rome changed the Jewish history is not only unbelievable ways but also one to be remembered in the books of account since it was the greatest catastrophe. Initially, Jewish lived mostly under foreign rule. Once they moved from the Babylonia captivity to Judea where they built their second temple in Jerusalem, they submitted peacefully to the Persian government. However, under the Alexandra the Great, who had seven wives, subjected the Jewish to being led by a Queen (“The Jewish Revolt Against Rome,” 2019). Jewish people started rebelling after Antiochus IV Epiphanes declared war on the Jewish religion. He began prosecuting Jewish and these consequently led to Maccabees who were independent. The 8 Maccabean monarchs led independence until the passing of Queen Salome Alexandra in the 67DC.

Consequently, her sons, Hyrcanus and Aristobulus started fighting for the throne. They then sorted for the Roman General Pompey arbitration. This subsequently led to foreign interference into the Jewish governance.

For a long time, the Roman Empire had longed and desired the region the Jewish were living in mainly for two reasons. The first one being for an economic purpose and the second for them to draw a boundary line against their enemies. The roman ended up invading the land of Israel where the Jewish inhabited when Aristobulus rejected Pompey decision of Hyrcanus being the King. The Roman government seized the Kingdom, and thousands of Jewish were slaughtered (“The Jewish Revolt Against Rome,” 2019). This is where the Jewish officially subdued to the, and they started decades of crippling taxation and oppression. This impoverished the nation. As much as some Jewish were willing to settle, some were uneasy. It is, therefore, safe to say that the revolution against the Roman Empire began immediately the arrived in Israel. Additionally, the Roman Empire Crassus looted all the Gold in the holy temple to fund his expeditions against the Parthians.  Herod, the then governor of Galileo, massacred thousands of Jewish to enforce progressive taxation on behalf of the Roman Empire.

Also, two years later, most Jewish were sold as slaved by Cassius as punishment for failing to pay their taxes to fund his war against Mark Anthony. When Herod was placed in power by Mark Anthony, he levied heavy taxes on the Jewish to support more lavish palaces cities, fortresses as well as Greek temples. He later placed an image of an eagle in the Jewish Temple, and this was a symbol of Roman rule. Any Jewish who dared to remove it were murdered (“The Jewish Revolt Against Rome,” 2019).  When Achelous succeeded his father, he massacred more Jewish.

Consequently, the Jewish requested to be governed by the Syrian government. The terror of the puppet came to an end when the Romans granted them this request. These procurator sorts to mass personal wealth through corruption as well as high taxation. This, of course, angered the Jewish population. Pontius Pilate the ordered his soldiers the images of the Romans in Jerusalem and forced them to worship. This did not sit well with the Jewish since they viewed them as idolatrous images.  Emperor Caligula demanded that his statue is erected in the holy temple. As much as the council advised him, he was still adamant.

The Jewish were prepared to go to any lengths to stop such atrocities. They were ready to lay down their lives. The weight of heavy taxation, oppression as well as impoverishment led to the formation of Jewish rebels who targeted not only roman villages but wealthy Jews. All these attacks intensified, and it endured for around two decades. Under the procurator Gessius Florus, the Jewish started fighting for control of the city at Mediterranean (“The Jewish Revolt Against Rome,” 2019). The Jewish lost when Nero didn’t rule in their favor. Florus additionally demanded the Jewish to give him more silver, and this led to Jewish mocking him. This was a bruise to his pride and demanded them to be brought to him. The priest however begged for forgiveness on their behalf. He subsequently ordered his soldiers to slay any Jewish they come across. He also sent his troops to raid the temple, but the Jewish had seen enough. Every Jewish tried their best to stop these soldiers.


The Jewish Revolt Against Rome. (2019). Retrieved from


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