Statements about death & crisis – D. Ryer

In my non-profit seniors’ facility, we have often met challenges of either passive or active suicidal minds in our clients who exhibit signs and warnings of mental distress. However, in the organization, we have a few skilled psychological professions to effectively intervene the situation in determining the validity, credibility, and seriousness suicidal threats of the elders. It can be complicated to work with individuals who are disoriented and yet may make claims that seem suicidal, or generate concern in other ways (e.g., by talking nonchalantly about death). Therefore, the facility has to rely on services from untrained care nurses to provide mental intervention to our clients.

Alongside the provision of primary care to the seniors, the informal care nurses can be significant in the screening and recruitment process of signs of mental distress when interacting with the elders. Since the untrained care nurses associate with the seniors for a periodic time compared to any other mental professions, they can procedurally investigate signs and warnings of depressions and take an immediate follow up by reporting changes in mental stability to managers of the facility.  For passive suicidal thoughts, (seniors feel better off dead) informal care nurses can reinstate the aged mental balance by offering a positive interactive environment through story-telling, engagement, and motivation; thus, bailing them from the social isolation environment, which might be a source of suicidal thoughts in the elders. Equivalently, informal caregivers can also be trained to provide a collaborative IP nurse-led approach of mental therapy to the seniors by working in collaboration with advanced nurses. The procedure is crucial since it’s efficient in results, finance, and enhancement of the clinical practices of the untrained nurses.

In conclusion, the integration of assistance from untrained caregivers in the provision of mental stability and fight against suicidal warnings in the elders is significant in the provision of a cost-efficient and effective therapy on their condition. The role of the caregivers in our facility will wholesomely aid in enhancing the reputation of our organization based on the results seen in our clients.



Furman, R., & Gibelman, M. (2013). Navigating Human Service Organizations. (3rd Ed.). Chicago, IL: Lyceum Books

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