Songs of Innocence and Experience

Songs of Innocence and Experience

Blake uses her publications to express and teach theological concerns. In Songs of Innocence and Experience, he concentrates on the satanic interpretation of different phenomena. In his poems, he attributes Satan as the source of all evil. Accordingly, the interaction between humans and the devil result in the expression of evil among the human beings. Humans must therefore desist from having relationships with Satan in order to avoid evil. He uses two separate poems, The Lamb and The Tyger, to show the contrasting images of experience and innocence. While innocence is meek and gentle, experience, on the other hand, is terrifying and harsh. The image of the lamb is effective in portraying the symbolism of gentleness and humility. The wooly nature of the animal sets a picture of the pastoral setting. In contrast experience is visualized in The Tyger by using the image of the tiger to represent satanic views. While the lamb is innocent, it’s also delicious to the tiger.

In writing the poems in the publication, Blake explores the very troubled relationship between humans and God. To start it off, the writer traces the origin of the troubled relationship from the time of creation when Adam and Eve fell short of God’s glory. In addition, the poet ascertains the fact that humans have a free will to choose between right and wrong. The people are free to make the right decisions and each decision has a consequence, either hell or heaven. Further, the writer explores the intersection of politics and religion and politics in poetry. This is portrayed in the manner in which priests acted as political leaders in the Old Testament. Moreover, religion is a useful tool in guiding the political paths of nations to success. In putting across his case through the two poems, Blake shows his role as a prophet both in the spiritual and political aspects.


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