Solar and longwave radiation

Solar and longwave radiation

1.Describe the energy balance between solar and longwave radiation in the atmospheric system.

The earth obtains power from the sun in the form of short wave solar radiation. The ground does not offer all the short wave solar energy. The clouds also have the capability of reflecting these waves. For the cloudless or absorbed radian, the heat spreads to the crust. A brighter surface has the ability can Attract excess solar power released back as longwave radiation (Brockhoff 34). The earth’s surface produces longwave energy in reaction to the atmosphere. Longwave radiation could smoothly go passed the atmosphere in a clear night. However, when the night is cloudy, the clouds will trap the long-wave radiation. The balance in these conditions and temperature is what is referred to as a radioactive equilibrium between the energy input and output.

2.Explain the changes in solar and longwave radiation due to changes in the albedo of the atmosphere.

The effect of desertification mainly depends on the sand. White sands have high albedo than the darker sands. Deforestation results in desertification and usually dark sands with surplus radiation absorbed. Though, it is prudent to remember that vegetation produces shade that minimizes the amount of solar energy that reaches the earth’s surface. As a result, it decreases the ground temperatures(Benoit 32).

Additionally, the process of transpiration and evaporation can also decrease temperatures. Secondly, melting glaciers and ice caps might change the earth’s albedo significantly. Moreover, it has the potential of increasing the amount of solar energy immersed. The highest albedos are found in pure white snow. Estimates show that these sites contain 95% of the albedos.


Besides, the level of incoming radiation scattered, absorbed or reflected can be increased because of pollution in the atmosphere. Moreover, pollution can alter the albedo of surfaces like white snow (Armentrout, and Armentrout 20). This ultimately raises the amount of arriving solar radiation captivated by the earth. Lastly, greenhouse gases permit solar power into the atmosphere.



Work Cited

Armentrout, David, and Patricia Armentrout.Solar Energy.Rourke Pub., 2009.

Benoit, Peter. Climate Change.Children’s Press, 2011.

Brockhoff, Ronald Carl. Calculation Of Albedos For Neutrons And Photons. 2003.

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